Entry 83

45 2 0

May 10, 2020
7:50 P.M.

So I'm going out driving with my granddaddy tomorrow. It should be fine because he said we'll mostly be driving on back roads. I think I can do it. I just wish my brother didn't suddenly drop this on me. Apparently every Monday is going to be driving lessons with my granddaddy. Which is fine since my mom won't teach me. My brother came by the other day so I had to continue cleaning my room. God, he annoys me so fucking much. How dare he tell me I can only have as much clothes my dresser can hold? I got one tiny dresser. That's just unfair. I got a LOT of clothes that I still wear because I'm a very small person. Like the only clothes I can throw out are the ones that are too big for me since my body decided not to grow into them. Just ugh. I'm tired of him trying to control my fucking life. Like I can have as much clothes as I want. If you can rock only like seven outfits, that's good for you, but I like to have some variety. I don't wanna wear the same shit over and over and over again. You know? Like I don't think I would mind so much if he wasn't such a dick about it. Like he doesn't need to insult me, degrade me, make fun of it, make me feel inferior to him. Just UGH! I know he cares, but still, I'm a human being with emotions and he should really consider that. Especially since his constant bossing around caused me to eventually just have a mental breakdown. But of course. I was "faking" it. It wasn't real. Fucking prick. I wish he would just get off my ass and let me have some individually. Oh, and get this. He told me if I don't make a perfect score on my tests and quizzes, I should just retake them until I do. Yeah, no. As long as I'm passing, that's all that matters. I don't need to be perfect. No one is perfect. Just ridiculous.

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