Entry 103

66 4 8

November 24, 2020
2:45 A.M.

God, help me. So do you guys remember way while back about how I had this guy who was a fan of my YouTube channel and I tried talking to him because he was a fan and I wanted to be nice but he ended up being a complete creep and he just started harassing and basically stalking me. Well guess what? He STILL has not stopped and its getting to the point that I feel uncomfortable just being on social media. I have a Twitter account and lately, this guy has replying to some of my tweets creepy gifs about missing me or something. Like I tweeted something about a video game and he would reply with nothing relating to the video game, just a creepy gif about missing me or stuff. Not only that, a picture of me was his profile picture and so was his cover. This made me so uncomfortable and I decided to block him. However I don't know how blocking works. I've never blocked anyone before. Will this stop him from seeing my tweets or stop him from replying to my tweets at least? Because its to the point that I'm literally scared for my life. This guy keeps saying I'm a witch and that I cursed him and shit like that and I JUST WANT HIM TO LEAVE ME ALONE. If I can't even talk about the things I love on my social media because of this creep...it's just too much. I've been wanting to private my YouTube videos for awhile now because of creeps like him since he keeps commenting on my videos, but I have no idea how to do that all at once. Creeps like him are why I'm never doing YouTube again. And now I wish I never made videos because I got creeps who keep harassing me and stalking me and not leaving me alone and it's just too much. I just feel so violated and uncomfortable and just scared because of this guy, does he realize that? He probably does but he doesn't care. And I know he's going to read this and all I have to say is PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE. It's to the point that I want to cut myself again or something just to feel like I'm in control of something in my life. I just feel so uncomfortable and I have no one I can talk to about this...just what do I do? I'm tired of being repeatedly harassed and stalked by this guy in every single social media I have. I'm going to have to get off of social media because of this until I find out how to get rid of him because right now, being on social media makes me feel unsafe.

My DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora