Entry 92

90 6 5

July 5, 2020
2:25 P.M.

Hello. Did you Americans enjoy your 4th of July? Just for the non-Americans who are reading this who might not know this, the 4th of July is American Independence Day so of course, Americans would celebrate that. Just wanted that explained because it makes sense for people not to know the history of a country they didn't grow up in. Anyway, lately, I've been hanging out with this group of little kids because for some reason, children love me. Why? I don't know. I don't know what I do, but little kids always gets so attached to me and they just won't leave me alone. They're even always knocking on my door everyday, asking me to play with them. I don't understand it, but it does makes me feel a little special that these kids want me with them. So yesterday, I was with this little girl named Asia and she's the one who loves me the most. She's always wanting me to hold her on my shoulders, she's always hugging me and she even sat on my lap at times. Again, I don't know what I did, but she loves me. Her mom even said she's been crying nonstop the past two days because I'm moving due to being evicted. This girl is all over me and again, I don't know what I did! Not that it's a bad thing. I'm sure these parents are glad I'm taking their kids off of them for awhile because trust me, kids can wear you out. Anyway, this is where the stupidity falls. So of course, on the 4th of July, people tend to shoot fireworks to celebrate. I was standing with Asia by her door with her friend (I know her name, I just have no idea how to spell it) and a damn firework flew over by the doorsteps by us! Asia and I were just in the right spot to not get hit. Like if we were an inch closer, we could of been hit and badly hurt, you know? Not cool! Asia's friend got grazed on her leg, but it was nothing severe, thank god. Of course, people were running out their apartments being like "What the fuck!?" because fireworks are being shot right by our doorsteps. People, including kids who are literally 5 years old and younger are running around, and can be badly hurt by this. Not only that, you trying to put the apartments on fire? Just so you know, two apartments had already been burned down due to stupid people around here not using fireworks properly which is ridiculous. So we confront the people who were shooting the fireworks to basically just say, "Hey, be more careful. You can hurt people and burn down our apartments with those" but of course, we're in the ghetto. We in "the hood" so of course, these people can't be civil about this. A big ass fight starts, everyone is hitting at each other, people are screaming and yelling, a guy even pulled out a fucking gun. I'm not a hundred percent sure who did it, but the cops were called and they did come out. Asia's parents did speak the cops there and told them basically what happened, but if I'm not mistaken, no one got arrested. Like I don't know if they gave some bullshit excuse that let them get off scot-free, but people should of been arrested. I mean, a guy even got his damn gun, like what the fuck? Again, children are fucking out here! Asia's friend apparently got hit in the face in the midst of this because stupid people and Asia was crying because of that. Again, these are 5-year-olds. Not cool. But yeah, everything eventually died down so that's good I suppose. Later that night, I was sitting at the doorsteps with Asia and her parents watching the fireworks. But of course, that group of people who are being irresponsible as hell don't know how to shoot fireworks and it shot at us yet again when we're at the fucking doorsteps. Again, are they trying to hurt people and burn down buildings? This time, I did get directly hit by some fireworks because I covered Asia from the blow and let me tell you, that fucking hurt. I got burns on my left arm and down my back now because of this. Little kids were sitting around here and they could of been hurt badly! Just so you know, I'm okay, but I was just lucky it didn't hit me in the face or something. You know? The neighbors around here are so fucking stupid, maybe it is a blessing we're moving. Then again, we're the ones being evicted but not the ones who are burning down buildings and hurting people? Okay...but overall, my 4th of July wasn't that bad. I was hanging with someone who actually genuinely likes me and it's a nice change for once. I'm somehow good with children. I don't know what I do, but they love me and I suppose that's all that matters.

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