Entry 20

179 12 1

April 29, 2019
9:52 P.M.

For once I'm going to post something positive. I know. Have I truly lost my sanity? Well, quite the opposite actually. So y'all know because of the whole situation with moving and everything, my dog Lady has been with my mom's friend, Jamie since about February. Well, guess what? Since I finished moving in all my shit, I just got my baby back! I got Lady back to love me! It really was so hard to go through this emotional experience without the loving of my dog. She's literally my emotional support and my mom and her friend, Michelle agree with that. I'm actually tearing up right now 'cause I've missed her so much. She's like my child. Just watching her sleep on my bed right now just warms my heart. So yeah, I got my dog back and I couldn't be happier.

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