Entry 162

12 1 1

May 11, 2024
1:21 P.M.

Hello. Life is just as depressing as ever. Yesterday, my grandmother on my mother's side passed away. She was the only one of my mother's side that I actually liked. Right now, I'm feeling a lot of regret because I never called her or tried better to stay in contact with her, and now...she's gone. I could of done more to be a better granddaughter, but I completely fucked that up. At least, my mother, younger brother, and I took a trip back in February to go see her. At the very least, I'm glad I got to see her one last time. Either way, it's got to suck for my mother. My grandfather passed away back in 2013 so now both her parents are now gone. She was bawling her eyes out when she told me on the phone so I went over to comfort her. After all, I'm trying to be as nice and sweet as possible to people. I'm trying to stop being a bad person. While there, we played some Tina Turner and Whitney Houston as my grandmother loved listening to those two women. It's a pity she had to pass away two days before mother's day. I'm definitely going to have to do something extra for my mother on mother's day. At least my grandmother is no longer in pain and fighting to live. Hopefully, she is resting in peace.

Despite this being a difficult time for everybody, my bitch ass aunt of course loves to start shit. So my aunt, my mother's older sister, had a group chat with all the family members to post updates about my grandmother. She got info from my great aunt who my grandmother has been living with since my grandfather passed away. Either way, it's deleted now so I can't see what exactly said but my aunt messaged something along the lines that she made the decision to switch my grandmother to hospice care. My older brother had been in contact with the hospitals and facilities that my grandmother had been in and messaged that it was my great aunt's decision, not my aunt's. Apparently outside of the group chat, my aunt angrily texted my older brother about this, telling him "Oh I didn't want anyone to see [my great aunt] as the bad guy" and that he was trying to make her look bad. My older brother just replied that he doubts anyone sees our great aunt as the bad guy. After all, this is difficult for her too. He also replied he was not trying to make her "look bad" but just wanted to get the correct information across and that he didn't appreciate the way she was trying to fit herself into the situation like that. My aunt then proceeded to go off about how disrespectful my older brother is and that our mother failed as a parent because she raised us to be disrespectful shits, saying I was just as bad as him, etc. My older brother called our mother about this and just went off about our aunt, basically just saying she's a conceited bitch. Like man, I knew that. All she cares about is herself. Hell, during our trip in February, all she talked about was herself. It was always me, me, me. Not once did she ask about how we were doing. She made a family album for my grandmother and guess what? 99% of the pictures were pictures of her and her kids. Barely any pictures of my mother, me, or my brothers, or anybody else. Just her little family. It's ridiculous. I don't mean to stoop low, but I'm going to say it: my aunt wants to go off about how terrible of a parent my mother is. Which is true, if you have read this damn thing, but my aunt makes my mother look like an angel. All I really said to her was "whose kids still talk to her and whose kids don't?" Oh right, my mom has three children who all still talk to her. My aunt has three out of four children that don't talk to her at all. That's all I'm going to say. My mom at least admits her mistakes too. I just find it funny to criticize someone else's parenting when most of your kids want nothing to do with you. Either way, the fact my aunt tried to start shit during this difficult time, really pisses me off. We're all grieving and mourning, we should all support each other as family, not attack each other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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