Entry 47

79 4 3

July 7, 2019
1:14 P.M.

Ugh, why does my life have to suck so much? Anyway, I see that people are starting to add this to their reading lists, which I find insane because all I do is whine and complain about how shitty my life is. My only guess is maybe these people are going to similar bullshit so if you are, I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully y'all are stronger than me because I'm literally on the brink of suicide. Well, I'm not going to kill myself, but I really want to. So y'all know Sonny is unfortunately still in my fucking life even though he got my mom in jail and kicked us out our damn house. But no. My mom doesn't want to be "alone and miserable". But let's just face it. You don't want a relationship, you want some dick. If she wants a relationship to stay stable, then she needs to stop sucking every dick that walks past her. Not saying that to be rude and disrespectful, it's brutal honesty. Sometimes the truth isn't nice. Then again, my whole life isn't nice. So anyway, guess who stayed in the house all afternoon and all night yesterday? If you guessed Sonny, then dink, dink! You are correct! That piece of shit! I couldn't help but almost burst into laughter when I heard him yelling at Laredo yesterday for being disrespectful to my mom and me since it "pisses him off". Like you're one to talk about disrespect. You sexually harass my mom, even though she asked you to stop and you insulted me, saying I can't get a boyfriend because of this and that. And just so you know, I don't have a boyfriend because I don't want one. Especially not in highschool. I can get a boyfriend, I just choose not to. I find it absolutely hilarious he thinks I want one. But yeah, none of that is disrespectful. No. And let me say this again, YOU GOT MY MOM IN JAIL AND KICKED US OUT OF OUR DAMN HOUSE. You know, you forced me to live with my grandparents for two months and forced my mom to sleep in her damn car. We had to get a new place because of you. We're stuck in this whole situation with Laredo because of you. But no. Sonny loves us so much and hates seeing us be disrespected. Yeah, whatever. Kick my ass. I'm not trying to defend Laredo here because he is a disrespectful piece of shit, I'm just saying Sonny needs to look in the mirror before he starts yelling at a teenager for disrespectful. Because he's a grown adult, forty-two years old to be precise, which just makes his disrespect just more pathetic and sad.

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