Entry 146

24 2 6

December 29, 2022
6:02 A.M.

It's a Christmas miracle...I passed my driver's test. I got a driver's license now. You don't understand how much happier that makes me. I actually got to drive myself to and from work yesterday...it just felt good to get to and from myself. I shit you not though, I was a bit nervous. But I backed up beautifully this time on the test. The first time, I went off into the dirt and I was just like "Shit, shit, shit" the whole time. I knew I didn't pass my test after that. But this time, I was like "Thank the Gods", haha. Like as soon as she said I passed, I immediately was just like "I DID??" My mom and I both squealed after I told her the news. My mom drove back though because she wanted to drive my tiny car. But then she was all like "I like the feel of this one better than mine" and I was just like "Uh uh I paid for this". But yeah, I just wanted to update yall that I passed my test so yeah. Finally something good in my life. :)

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