Entry 16

216 13 2

March 20, 2019
6:55 P.M.

So it's been awhile since I wrote on this. I'm still at my grandparents' house and my mom is out of jail, but of course we can't go back to the house. My mom's court date was yesterday, but then it was moved to May 8. Oh, and Sonny was arrested not too long ago for reckless driving, possession of marijuana, blah blah blah. Anyway, we still can't go back to the house even though he is in jail. And now his son is taking advantage of our misfortune as he is still there. So my older brother, Sean has came back for spring break to visit and he has helped so much. He grabbed a lot of our stuff from the house so I appreciate that. However, he still talks down on me like I'm a fucking failure so that doesn't help. He obviously thinks I'm a moron. He literally thought I had no idea what a designated driver was. Like sure, I act kinda dumb, but I'm NOT dumb. I obviously have common sense. I mean, I know he does love me, but his belittling of me (with everyone thinking is hilarious) makes me feel like I'm nothing but a burden and that I'm a waste of space. I wished people didn't think I was such an airhead. I don't know why people think that about me, but they think that about me and it's quite demeaning. Whatever. This is what I get for not having to kill myself yet.

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