Entry 98

53 5 1

October 20, 2020
5:37 P.M.

So I'm going to a funeral tomorrow. Whose you ask? Well, there was this girl that my brothers and I would play with a lot when we were little. This girl also had siblings we hung with, but apparently this girl had died recently. I haven't talked with her in years, but it's still really sad to hear about. My mom still talks with her mom and my mom just randomly texted me earlier today that she died and her funeral is tomorrow. So I wonder how dead she's been and I wish I knew how she died because you know, curiosity. Last time I've heard from this girl, she went off the deep end. Like she was sleeping around a lot, was doing drugs and drinking a lot, she even had a baby when still a teen. It sucks to know that child lost their mother at a young age. This girl was 21 years old by the way. 21. The same age as my older brother. I couldn't imagine my older brother dying right now, especially since he's definitely on his way to success. Just so you guys know, I don't hate my older brother. I know he loves me and cares about me but he gets on my nerves a lot because he's always on my ass for the littlest things, you know? Like he wants me to get rid of some of my clothes and he's on my ass about that for some reason and I don't know why. Like my clothes aren't hurting anyone. And he also has this huge ego that annoys me too. You can tell he thinks he's better than everyone. Like if you were to talk to him, you'll get what I'm saying. But overall, he's still my brother and I still love him even if I want to punch him in the face sometimes. Typical sibling relationship in my opinion. I swear he's the only person in the family who hasn't betrayed my trust yet. Like I know I can trust him with things. So thinking that this girl died at the same age as he is...it's scary. I wouldn't want anything bad happening to him. Anyway, I just feel like I needed to update y'all on my life. So here we go I suppose.

My DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora