Entry 34

88 9 0

May 30, 2019
12:31 P.M.

Hi. Welcome to more bullshit. So of course, as it always is, I'm the bad guy (being sarcastic by the way). So my mom was going to do some car trading thing and she asked if I wanted to come along. I said sure since this could be some time for us to spend together. We get back to the house so my mom can change and I can walk Lady and put my school stuff down, and apparently Michelle is coming along. Well, that would of been nice to know. But Michelle said it's fine if we just went so we can spend some time together. So I go to walk Lady and afterwards, I go to help my mom clean out her car and she was obviously pissed off all of a sudden so I asked what was wrong. Apparently, I'm being a snotty bitch because I just wanted us to go together. Apparently, because I wanted to spend time with just my mother, I'm a snotty bitch. And then she's like "I wanted Michelle to come so I'm not getting fucked over. But no. It's all about you." Like that was not my intention. Why the fuck did she not tell me that? If that was the case, then go with Michelle. But no, she's like "No. You wanted us to spend time together." Well, I certainly don't anymore. But apparently, I'm the bad guy for saying I understand why she wanted Michelle to go with her and she can go with her. I don't understand how I'm the bad guy here! When she asked if I wanted to come along, she should of told me that Michelle was coming along and not just us because she made it sound like it was just us. And I'm not going if Michelle is going because she's freaking annoying. I can't stand her. And when I said that I wanted just us to go because I wanted to spend time together, she should of said "But I want Michelle to come so I know I'm not getting fucked over" so I could of been like "Oh. Okay. I understand." But apparently, I would of been a snotty bitch about it because I'm not an understanding person. Yeah. Whatever. You know what? I'm done. And I mean this too. I'm tired of trying to spend anytime with my mom because she always has to get pissy about something and she always has to start a fight with me. I'm done with this bullshit. I'm done with everyone's bullshit.

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