Entry 147

24 1 2

January 5, 2022
5:49 A.M.

I know I'm writing this rather early in the morning, but my sleep schedule is fucked up so my body sleeps whenever it feels like it. Anyway, I just came here to bitch about my job a little more. I know I've said this before, but I mean it this time: I'm quitting. I'm going to spend my day off today job hunting because yesterday was the last straw for me. So what happened? Allow me to explain. So I worked second shift so I came in around 1:40ish (as I was scheduled to be in at 2 P.M.). Well, one of the servers who was leaving soon told me I could have the customers sitting up at the high bar and I was cool with that so I clocked in and went to take care of them. My boss didn't like the fact I clocked in 1:45 and he was all like "The earliest you're supposed to clock in is 10 minutes before you'd shift". Like okay, I've clocked in around 1:45 in the past and you didn't say nothing about it before. But NOW it's a problem. Okay...whatever. I don't care. The server who said I could have the customers apologized, saying it was her fault because she told me I could have them and I just told her not to worry about it. I could tell it was one of those days my boss has his panties in a knot. So I proceed to get the order from those customers and I call it out, basically just two burgers with hashbrowns and a chocolate chip waffle on the side. My boss gets the waffle out before he finishes the burgers so seeing the waffle was done, I took it out to the customers. But oh no, my boss didn't like that. He was all like "Zoë, you need to get out of that habit of taking the food out before its been called." Like oh my God, my bad for bringing the hot food out to the customer. *brain aneurysm* Like that's literally the second most important thing. On the 10 rules of customer service, I was taught number 1 is greeting the customers and number 2 was bringing hot food to the customers. So okay, my bad for doing my job and bringing hot food out to the customers. I'm sorry for not wanting to have the waffle sit there and get cold while you finish the burgers. Then he was getting onto me for not paying attention to him pulling the meat because I called for 2/2 bacon and he only pulled 1/2. Like my bad, I saw you pulling out bacon so I thought you got it. Maybe if you called back the order like you're supposed to so I could correct you, we wouldn't have this problem. Now here was my breaking point. So as I was cleaning the orange juice and lemonade machines, my boss came to me with a fucking write up. Why? Let me explain. So I worked New Years Eve night so it turned New Years at midnight while I was working. One of the cooks I was working with brought in champagne for us to toast to. I didn't drink any of the champagne because I'm a lightweight and I wanted to be able to drive safely in the morning. So I toasted to apple juice instead. But the two cooks actually drank a glass of champagne although none of the servers drank any to my knowledge. Well, my boss basically came to me being all like "I know about the champagne." and I was just like "Okay." Like literally everyone knew about the champagne. This cook was very vocal about the fact that he was bringing in champagne to toast to on New Years. Hell, my mom who works the morning shift fucking knew. So I was under the impression my boss knew too because like I said, literally everybody else knew. But oh no, my boss didn't like that. I got wrote up for the champagne that I DIDN'T EVEN DRINK! He even said he knew I didn't drank any because he checked cameras. But because I knew champagne was brought to the store and I didn't say anything or report it, I got written up. And apparently everyone that worked that night got written up, even those who didn't drink it. What the hell. This was the point where I about grabbed my keys and walked out because I'm over here in getting in trouble for shit I didn't even do. Now I'm not saying I'm 100% in the right here. But the thing is my boss lets other employees get away with way worse shit with no consequences. Selling and buying drugs in the parking lot? That's fine. Employees coming in so high or drunk they can't function properly for the shift? That's fine. Employees having sex with each in the other in the bathrooms and being caught by customers? That's fine. But knowing another employee brought in champagne and I didn't say anything? Oh man Zoë, you went too far there. You understand my frustration here? How come other employees can get away with far worse shit yet I get pegged for something less? You get what I mean? But after the write up, I was 🤏 THIS close to just saying "I quit" and walking the fuck out. I got a license now, I think he forgets I can just walk out if I damn well please. But I decided to be the responsible adult and not do that. So yeah, walking into my boss being a dick and then getting hit with that write up on top of that...yeah, I'm fucking done. I'm job hunting today and once I find another job, I quit. I'm done with the bullshit. Ever since day 1, my boss has been on my ass. He's always treated me like shit and honestly, I think I let it slid for so long because I didn't have it in me to stand up for myself. But I'm done now. It'll be fun watching the place fall apart because Zoë won't be there to carry everyone but I'm not doing this no more. Hell no. Today, he just lost himself a fantastic server. I hope he regrets it once I'm gone when he realizes I'm the one who kept the ship from sinking. I'm just done. I can't work at a place where the rules don't apply to everyone and where I'm targeted every shift I work despite the fact I'm one of the most reliable and hardworking employees. Goodbye. Fuck that place. I quit.

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