Entry 127

28 2 0

December 3, 2021
3:08 P.M.

Why is my life nothing but a chaotic mess? So y'all know my mom and I have been playing darts together on Thursdays as bonding time. So you guys know how she has a new boyfriend and all, right? I think I've mentioned that. I know I've said she's done with Sonny. Anyway, while we were playing darts last night, her boyfriend called her, bitching at her to come home and asking where she is...even though he knows my mom and I do darts together on Thursdays. Anyway, she had to leave and I stayed since if I left as well, then we would to forfeit the game because then we would only 2 players on a team going against a team of 4. You can play with 3, but not 2. But one of our teammates said he'd give me a ride home since he hasn't drank and he's sober so I stayed and my mom went straight home. Anyway, like half an hour later my mom returns, bawling her eyes out with a bloody nose and blood all over her saying that her boyfriend hit her and basically kicked her out the house. Like apparently one thing he got mad about is how she let everyone buy her a drink while she was there and called her a whore for it. When nothing happened...like these guys were just friends and they were literally buying everyone a drink, both men and women. Hell, they even asked if I wanted a shot, but I just told them I couldn't because I'm under 21. My mom decided to give me a ride home afterwards and she was going on about how she has no place to stay and that apparently she texted Sonny and asked if she could stay there for the night and he said he could and I just said "NO. DO NOT GO TO SONNY'S. FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE TO GO." She was all like "where do I go then?" And I suggested maybe one of our coworkers, Jamie because she's a good friend and I know she would be there for my mom. But then my mom was all like "No, I don't wanna intrude on her life" and blah, blah, blah. But she was just like "I'll figure something else" and I just said "Well, whatever you do, DO NOT GO TO SONNY'S. TERRIBLE IDEA". And at one point when she was taking me home, she called her boyfriend and he was all like "Do you wanna come home?" And she was just like "No." And she just told him to put her stuff on the lawn and she'd pick it up later. And then at the end of the phone conversation, he was like "So are you still drunk or high?" And she just told him fuck you and hung up. My mom hates nothing more than being asked if she's high and being treated like a drug addict. Because for the most part, she doesn't do any drugs. She's a bad alcoholic, but that's it. I know my grandparents treat her like a druggie and I'm just like "Why y'all acting like she snorts cocaine or something? She's an alcoholic, not a drug addict. There's a difference!" But whatever. Anyway, my mom dropped me off at home and like an hour or two later, I get a call from my mom telling she's been detained for a mental health evaluation and I was just like "... What?" Like everything was happening so fast, my brain was not processing. But apparently after dropping me off, she went back to pick up her stuff but when she arrived, the police were there and she was immediately detained. So yeah, that was my fucking night. How nice that our night of darts got ruined, but then again every time my life seems to be getting a little better, it decides to get way worse the next day. I'm not allowed to have any happiness. I hate my life. I'm so mentally drained right now, I don't know if I'm fit to work tonight but I know if I call out, my grandparents will throw a huge tantrum so I'm going to have to work...wish me the best of luck.

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