Entry 87

68 4 4

May 25, 2020
4:41 P.M.

Apparently, I'm not allowed to eat. But that's not shocking. So hamburgers were made for dinner last night and I only know that because I saw hamburgers being made when I went to walk my dog. I was never called for dinner or anything. I mean, why would I need to eat too, right? It's fine though because I didn't want to eat at the time since I wasn't hungry. Now I'm one of those people whose hunger kinda just hits in the middle of the night like out of nowhere, I need food. So I was hoping when I went down last night that there would be leftover hamburgers in the fridge. Plot twist: there wasn't. Not a single patty. Which of course pissed me off because I would like to eat at some time too. So earlier today, I just said "Would of been nice to have some hamburgers" and my mom replied "Yeah, that was a dick move" and for a second, I thought my mom would of been on my side for once. No. Why would I think that? Because she decided to be antagonistic and be like "You don't ever eat when we do cook so". Like I'm sorry I don't eat as soon as you cook the food. I'm not hungry at the moment so I'm not going to eat yet. They know I'll eat later when I do get hungry. It's not like I don't eat ever. That's ridiculous. So yeah, just eat all the food and not even call me out for dinner and let me with nothing to eat later. It's not like I need to eat or anything. I'll just live on my candy my granny got me for my birthday. Not like I need real food or anything.

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