Entry 124

36 4 0

November 2, 2021
6:44 P.M.

Hey y'all. I was going to write this entry yesterday, but I ended up just sleeping the whole day...I worked Sunday night so I was dead by the time I got home, haha. And yes, I did work Halloween night. It was chaotic. Too much people coming in. Didn't help that the shift before just left us hanging as soon as we walked into the building. It was cool seeing all the costumes the customers were wearing, though. This one boy dressed as a dirty cop and got Coke as a drink as a joke, you know...because he's a dirty cop? Also saw a whole Flintstone family. It was the cutest thing. And if you're wondering, I did get to dress up at work for Halloween. I dressed as Harry Potter. Yes I know. I'm a nerd, haha. My friend, Mariah was Harley Quinn. But man, some people need to get fired at my job, I'm serious. So on Saturday night, I walked in and saw my boss and one of the cooks serving tables and I was just like "...so what happened to the servers we had scheduled?" Apparently, they didn't show up. And no, they didn't call out, they just didn't show up. And one of the servers, Anela...this was her third time she no call, no show within two weeks. All I gotta say is if that girl isn't going to show up for work, she needs to be fired. I don't care we're short staffed, she's just god awful. Because even when she does show up, she doesn't do her work and gives terrible service to customers. Half the time, she won't take her tables. When I've worked with her, customers would sit in her section and she'd be like "Ugh, I don't want them. You can have them." Like girl, more than one server was scheduled for a reason. I can't be worrying about my section and her section at the same time. Plus, she's always wondering why she doesn't make money. Because we make money from our tips. If you don't take tables, you don't get tips thus you don't get money. I know it's not like that in every country, but at least in America, servers make their money from their tips. Anyway, that girl sucks. She needs to be fired, haha. She's a sweet girl though, just lazy. But yeah, I'm always walking into a shitstorm because the shift before me is notorious for not coin their work so I'm stuck trying to clean up their mess while also still serving all these tables because it was busy Halloween night. Didn't help Mariah didn't really help...I was pretty annoyed with her that she didn't take her tables or help do any side work. And then she was wondering why I was giving her attitude. I don't know, because you're making me do everything! Two of us were scheduled for a reason. Help me out here! I mean, I was able to handle it but still obnoxious to have to take care of the whole restaurant when I had another server there who could of helped me in some way. But whatever. I forget I work with lazy people. It didn't help she made me feel super insecure about myself because she told me I look like a lesbian... and she didn't even apologize when I told her that hurt my feelings. She was just like "Why are you so butthurt?" Some friend you are...I'm starting to see why another one of my coworkers don't like her. Still love Mariah though, but dang, you didn't make me happy that night...also one thing Mariah is doing that annoys me is she's a huge flirt. That's not a problem within itself. But we have an ex-co-worker named Joseph who's really into her. Like he's head over heels for her. And she goes to me being like "I wish he would get the hint I'm not interested in him like that" and stuff, but like when they hang out, she lets him hold her hand and cuddle with her. Like I don't know, if I was him, I would think she was probably interested too. Is it just me? All I gotta say is you ain't going to see me hugging up all over a guy I wasn't interested in. And she doesn't do that with just Joseph, but any guy who's interested in her. I just told her to stop being all touchy feely with him if she wants him to understand she's not interested. Her reasoning for being all cuddly with him was because he was feeling bad so she was comforting him and I'm just like you can comfort him without cuddling with him, hahaha. Just saying. She just needs to stop teasing guys she's not interested in. I just personally find it cruel. But whatever. Maybe I'm the weirdo here. Anyway, I'll stop ranting about my coworkers. I'll get to what I really want to talk about.

So remember how Sonny got rid of my dog? My mom told me he gave her away to someone else but I just learned that's not the truth...this bastard JUST LET HER OUT ON THE STREETS! What an asshole! He could of at least gave her to someone who would of took care of her. But nope! I'm just so angry and upset right now...and a lot of it is at myself for even thinking any better of him. Also I just feel bad because I feel like I just abandoned Lady. I didn't mean to be at my grandparents for so long...I just feel so shitty. I hope she knows she meant the world to me...I'm going back into my depressed state where I refuse to eat and go a day or two not eating, which is not good...I don't know what to do...

Anyway, I'll try to end this on a good note. I don't know if I explained this, but my mom is officially done with Sonny. She's got a new boyfriend and is already living with him, though I really think it's only because this guy has a nice house and lots of money. No, she and Sonny are not officially divorced yet if you're wondering, but she's working on that she says. I'm still upset she didn't take Lady with her...Sonny wouldn't have gotten rid of her like that if she took her...anyway, everyone failed Lady, including me...I'm the worst owner ever...okay, gotta end on a good note. Well, my mom is two weeks sober! Yes, she hasn't drank alcohol in two weeks! Her boyfriend is trying to cut her off of alcohol and looks like it's going well so far. She's been in a lot better mood since she's stopped drinking. And she said stopping drinking has really made her realize things about her life, which I think is a good sign. Maybe there is hope for my mom yet! I hope this keeps up is all I can say.

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