Entry 52

94 6 0

July 30, 2019
10:36 A.M.

Okay, so my mom texted me yesterday that we will be able to move in into our new apartment on August 5. So yeah. Just thought I should tell y'all that. Also, school starts on August 12 (where I'm at) so that's about 2 weeks from now. It sucks though. I'm sure I said this before, but I didn't really have a summer because I didn't have the chance to sit back and relax. I was just so angry and stressed all summer, and I still am to an extent. Being out that house definitely helps, but knowing my mom only texted me yesterday after I've been at my grandparents' house for a week with no word really angers me. Like she never texts or calls me to see if I'm alright or anything. It's ridiculous. And she says she's going to hang with me but she never does. I don't ever hear from her. I know it's because she'll rather hang with Sonny FOR SOME REASON. Oh right. He has a dick. Nevermind. But yeah...I'm also pretty sick right now (runny nose and sore throat) and I get sick right after my grandparents leave for ten days. What kind of shit is that? I swear, I always get sick every time they leave. It's strange. I wonder what Sean is up to. You know, my only family member to not fuck me over. I wonder what's happening with him. But he's always so busy so I don't know. Anyway, I'll stop rambling now. It's the same bullshit from before. Okay, bye.

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