Entry 46

95 4 2

June 28, 2019
5:18 P.M.

I want this to be the last time I talk about this guy, but I know it isn't. This is the dumb fan I was talking about for 2 entries straight, by the way. So in my other entry, I said I don't care if he continues to watch my YouTube videos or to continuing reading my stories here on Wattpad. But I'm not going to talk to him. Pretty understandable, right? No. Not to this guy. So on my last song cover I made last night, he comments fucking sad emojis. I replied, saying I don't mind if he continues watching my YouTube videos or reading my stories. But no. He's all like "I rather things go back to the way they were, Zoë. Can we please move past this? I really care about you." No. I am not moving past this. I made it very obvious I no longer want to talk to you. You know what this reminds me of? My mom and Sonny. Sonny going to my mom, being like "I love you so much. Please come back." But you know what? Unlike my mom, I'm not a complete dumbass and I'm not going back. I said I don't want to talk no more. Respect that if you care about me so much. He continues replying, asking for us to talk again and that he misses me so much, so I told him "No. I'm done trying to make friends with fans. Sorry." So he's just like "please..." And then he replies that he sent a voice message to me on Instagram. Like dude, really? I said I don't want to talk to you anymore. Leave me the fuck alone. By the way, I didn't see no voice message when I checked my Instagram so...what?? This is where I get really pissed off. So he comments on my YouTube video again, saying "I love you so much, Zoë. It's hard staying subscribed to you because every time I see you now I get emotional knowing you hate me so much but I can't stay away", yadda yadda. I'm sorry. If it's so hard to stay subscribed, then unsubscribe. I don't care if you watch or not. That's your choice. But what pisses me off is he then says that he hopes I get my lice treatment and that my mom loves me. Are you fucking serious? You're going to blast about my lice PUBLICLY on my YouTube comments. Are you fucking stupid? Are you really think I'm wanting your friendship by you doing that? Also, you don't know my mom so don't fucking talk about her to me. He gets even more annoying because the last time he's commented (thus far) is "You said I could follow you but you're still ignoring me, I don't get it. And you totally trashed me on Wattpad but you did this song for me, I don't understand you." Okay, allow to explain YET AGAIN. I said I don't care if you follow me and that you can still give me requests and yadda yadda. That's why I did the song cover you requested me to do. But I said that I am no longer talking to you. So yeah. Keep messaging me all you want. I'm going to ignore you. I no longer want to talk. If you respect me like you said you do, you would stop trying to communicate with me since I don't want to talk to you. The reason why I post this here on Wattpad is not to trash you, but for me to vent my frustrations out. Also, I'm hoping this would get through your head to leave me the fuck alone. But obviously it isn't. Look...just stop trying to talk to me. Please. I don't want to fucking talk to you. I don't want to post anymore entries of my frustration with you. You know I'm in a difficult position of my life right now and your constant meddling isn't helping. Just leave me alone and stop trying to talk to me. That's all I ask. We're not friends. Move on. Geez.

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