Entry 18

206 16 1

March 22, 2019
3:56 P.M.

Not really writing much here at the moment, but I was talking to my Aunt Pamela earlier and I mentioned to her how I think Sean hates me. However, she then says that Sean thinks I hate him. Now, I want to take back what I said last entry about hating him 'cause I don't hate him. I was just angry at the moment, lol. But I really do feel that he hates me. But if what my Aunt Pamela says is true about him thinking I hate him, then he doesn't hate me and he wants me to love him. If so, that's sweet. However, if he is so concerned about that, then why does he constantly treat me like shit? Because treating me like shit is not going to make me love you, bro. I try so hard to be nice, but he just belittles every kind gesture I give him. And my granddaddy is all like "Oh, it's because you're little sibling" and sure, the older sibling tends to pick on the younger sibling at times. I've done that to my little brother. However, constantly treating me like dirt is not picking on me, it's just plain rude. I don't treat my little brother like that, so Sean shouldn't be treating me like that. It's honestly so retarded. I just feel if Sean loves me, he should treat me like his sister, not like trash. I'm tired of it. Okay, that's all for now, lol.

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