Entry 128

20 2 0

December 7, 2021
12:41 A.M.

Hi, welcome back to another entry of Zoë's life is constantly falling apart. So my mom is in fucking jail. Yeah. That's happening...yet again. It happened with Sonny and now it's happening with this new guy. It's all bullshit. So of course I come home from work this morning and the first thing I do is fall asleep because I'm fucking tired, especially since I was basically the only server since the other server decided to sit on his ass and not do a single thing. I don't even know why he came to work because he didn't even take a single table so he didn't really make any money. Honestly, he should of just stayed home. That would of been less infuriating than watching him sit the whole time. Not to mention he's always trying to talk to me when I'm in the middle of calling an order. Like I literally snapped at him last night because I had enough. Like I was in the middle of calling an order and he's trying to interrupt me with something and I'm just went "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, LET ME CALL THIS DAMN ORDER PLEASE!" And he was just like "Sorry!" and I just told him "I'm tired of this shit." And everything is pissing me off and I'm done. Anyway, back to my fucking mom. So after I nap after work, I wake up to a bunch of texts and missed calls, all telling me she's in jail. And of course, I'm just "What the fuck happened?" but is anyone telling me shit? Of course not. Also, she's able to call everyone else and talk to them but not me. Yeah, okay then. Anyway, apparently she wants me to call the jail in the morning, ask for a bail bond and if there isn't one, to call them very hour until there is one. Then she wants me to come to the jail and bail her out I guess. I don't know, that's the gist of what I got, I don't fucking know. I don't know what she wants me to do. I'm fucking confused. Because like I said, she's able to call and text everyone else, but not me. But guess I gotta bail my mom out, I don't know. This is money I could use for I don't know, A FUCKING CAR, but no. Fuck it. As if I'll ever get my damn driver's license anyway. But this is the last time. Next time she ends up in jail, I'm not bailing her ass. She got herself mixed up in her bullshit, that's her problem. I'll be there for her if she needs me, but I'm not cleaning up after her mess. Not anymore. She's a grown adult. She can take care of herself. I'm tired of her bullshit ruining my fucking life. I just want to live one day in peace. Hopefully I can find a ride to the damn jail because I guess she forgot I don't drive. But whatever. Fuck my life. I hate my job, I hate everyone, and I hate everything. Life really isn't worth it.

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