Entry 15

224 12 6

February 23, 2019
2:53 A.M.

It's finally happened y'all. From all the fighting and abuse, my mom finally called the cops on Sonny. So I'm back at my grandparents' house again. But you wanna know what's real fucked up? My mom is the victim in this situation, but SHE'S the one who gets arrested and taken to jail. Not Sonny. He's still at the house with my fucking dog. And I don't know what to do, 'cause if I don't get Lady tomorrow, he'll send her to the pound. However, I have nowhere to take her because my grandparents have cats and they don't get along with dogs. So I'm fucked. I hate my life. My mom's taken to jail, and the abuser gets off Scot free. Fucking bullshit. People wonder why I don't like cops, well now you know. What pieces of shit. I'm too angry to type right now, so see you later.

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