Entry 11

304 17 4

January 24, 2019
7:26 P.M.

Been awhile since I last wrote in here. I was going to write in it yesterday, but then I got lazy. So I still got no internet, even thought I should of gotten it back a fucking week ago. Also, yesterday pissed me the fuck off. Most of the school day, I was actually in a relatively good mood. But then I came home to the door being locked. Then I went to the back door. Locked. So fucking fantastic! Locked outside my own house! And my poor puppy was in the crate, needing to use the bathroom. But no, I couldn't walk her 'cause I had no way of getting in! So I texted my mom (who's at work) and she told me to go to my friend, Eric's house so I did. I hated it 'cause most of the time, he was ignoring anything I said. He was either playing fucking Fortnite with his friends online (and no offense, Fortnite fans, Fortnite sucks) or he was watching just random ass YouTube videos that weren't even funny. So I was stuck there for like 3 hours still Sonny got home (Yeah, he's still around unfortunately). Oh wait, it gets better. When I finally got into the house, we had no fucking power! My mom decided to not pay the fucking power bill so I went the rest of the night without any power. So I couldn't get food 'cause all the food was in the fridge. Also, since our electricity pumps the water, we had no water either so I couldn't even get a cup of water. What kind of bullshit is that? Luckily, today I paid the power bill so we got the power back now. Yes, ME. The unemployed 17 year old. All I got to say is the next time Sonny does that "I pay the bills" bullshit, well no you fucking don't 'cause I paid this bill motherfucker.

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