Entry 48

95 4 2

July 14, 2019
2:49 A.M.

So is there a way to unfriend someone from Facebook? Because I want to unfriend my dad so I don't have to see his bullshit every time I check my social media. I'm also tired of seeing pictures of my little brother, Bryan. I just get so emotional seeing his pictures, knowing the times I've had with him and now my dad has him brainwashed into thinking I'm Satan. Bryan was, and still is the most important person in my life. But no. He has his new older sister, Daisy. And seriously, she needs to stop posting pictures of herself. She is not good looking at all. I know that's not nice to say, but seriously...she does not look right. But then again, I've seen her fucking mom. Now that's a nasty looking woman. Last time I checked, she's 39 years old yet she looks more like 50. Like seriously? What is my dad thinking? But here's what's hilarious. My dad and Amanda are "married" now. Yeah, I put married in quotation marks because did he forget that he's​ not technically divorced from my mom? They're not fucking married. They can keep acting like they're married, but they're not. It's so fucking annoying. Like seriously, what is up with people leaving their significant other with uglier people? You're supposed to upgrade, not downgrade. Jesus Christ. This woman is so disgusting looking. And can she stop sticking her tongue out in every picture!? Does not help at all. Really, why do people do that or the duck lips? It's not attractive. It's like Belle Delphine sticking her tongue out constantly. It's not sexy. It's just disturbing. I just wanna shit on my dad's fake marriage. It's fucking ridiculous. Just so you know, haven't heard of him in months. He hasn't tried to contact me or even fucking apologize for all the bullshit he put me through. I honestly have one of the worst families in the world. The only family member who hasn't fucked me over is my older brother, Sean and he's in fucking college so great! I don't know, after my senior year, I might just go to college with Sean just to get away from everyone's bullshit. Fuck this shit, I'm out. You get me? If only I had someone to teach me how to drive so I could be able to get a job and then save money to get away from the toxicity. All I do is destroy relationships with others. Why can't I do anything right? I hate myself so much...

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