Entry 69

79 6 1

February 8, 2020
3:15 A.M.

So I'm still up for some reason and I've been meaning to type down an entry so I guess I'll do it now. Also, this is entry 69. Get it? 69? Haha, sex joke. Yeah, I know it's old. I also just realized it's my granny's birthday now since it's the 8th. Maybe I'll wish her happy birthday later. My older brother's birthday is on the 10th too. He'll be 21 years old so he'll be able to buy cigarettes again. Speaking of which, why did they raise the age to buy tobacco products from 18 to 21 here in America? I don't know, it just felt unnecessary. Like an 18 year old can join the military and die for his country, but he can't have a fucking cigarette? I just find it funny. Same with alcohol. Can't legally buy alcohol until you're 21 years old. Then again, I do know about how the 18th amendment banned alcohol, a.k.a prohibition, but that led to more crime because people started smuggling alcohol like drugs so the 21st amendment gave the right to drink alcohol again when you're 21. Anyway, I just find it weird you're considered an adult at 18, can vote for the president and die for your country, but can't have a fucking cigarette or a can of beer. It's funny. Anyway, I'm ranting about BS. So I didn't go to school all week. I just stayed home. I told my mom and friends I wasn't feeling well, when in reality I just had no motivation to do so. Now not only can I not make YouTube videos anymore due to my lack of motivation, but I'm struggling to go to school as well. But I told my mom I'll go back on Monday so I guess I just have to force myself. Oh, you wanna hear something? The other day or so, Sonny got mad because I accidentally ate his lo mein. And for once, my mom actually defended me, saying that there was nothing else to eat so I just ate the first thing I could find. Which is true. I don't eat much, but it sucks when I decide to because there's barely ever anything to eat. But Sonny basically told my mom I'm not allowed to eat, so thanks, man. Love me like your own, my ass. Not that I actually thought he did, of course. But seriously. But I apologized because it's my fault that whole fight started and I just told him if he doesn't want me eating food that's his, just put his name on it so I'll know it's his and not to eat it. That's what my mom does. But no. He had to make nasty comments, saying I was being a bitch for apologizing because I yelled it from my room. Like seriously? I'm sorry I didn't feel like getting off my ass to apologize about such childish bullshit. Guess that's what I get for being a lazy slob. Even my mom said I was being a bitch so it doesn't matter what I do. I'm the bad guy, as usual. And this afternoon (well, I guess technically yesterday afternoon since it's after midnight, but you get my point), Sonny knocked on my bedroom door saying he got me Burger King. I wasn't hungry at the moment so I just told him to put it in the refrigerator. But then he was all like "Can you unlock this door?" and I said "Uh, no" then he said "I got you food" and I said "Yeah and I said put it in the refrigerator because I'm not hungry right now." Like how hard is that to understand? And yes, I lock my bedroom door so assholes like him don't just barge into my room unannounced since people don't know what knocking is anymore. I'm not weird. Okay, I am, but locking the bedroom door is not weird. Now this is the part that pissed me off. I later get a text from my mom later in the evening from work saying "Stop being a bitch. He brought you dinner and refused it, waste of money". Like what? When the fuck did I refuse it? Where in that did I refuse it? I just said I wasn't hungry at the moment so I asked him to put it in the refrigerator, which I'm pretty sure says I'm going to eat it later for when I am hungry. But no. Saying I wasn't hungry at the moment meant I refused it all altogether. Like seriously, did he really had to go complain to my mom? Of course he did, because he has always has to complain about Zoe. No matter what she does, she's a terrible human being who just rot away and die already. And I'm going to be honest here. He only bought me food because my mom yelled at him not too long ago because of the whole ordeal with me accidentally eating his lo mein. I bet if that argument never happened, he wouldn't have even considered it. This guy is trying to kiss our asses. It pisses me off. Like you don't care about me at all. Stop acting like you do. I bet if I was to die, he'd be happy. Fucking bullshit. And you know what? If the house wasn't empty of food, I probably would of refused it because I despise a kiss ass. That was not a moment of compassion or careness for me at all. God, this guy just pisses me off more and more everyday. I can't believe my mom actually married him. Ugh. Okay, just wanted to get that off my chest.

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