Entry 33

108 9 1

May 28, 2019
4:02 P.M.

More complaining. But it's good to let it out than to bottle it up, am I right? Anyway, I'm getting sick and tired of this. So y'all know how Laredo always have his dumb pothead highschool dropout friends over. So they would always have food, but never share it with me. For example, they once ordered pizza and didn't share any with me. I didn't know they even ordered pizza until later. They don't come to my room and ask "Hey, are you hungry?" Or "Hey, you want some food?" Nope. They pretend I don't exist, eating food as I starve in my room, not even knowing that there's food. And there's never any food in the house because they eat it all up. Last night, this happened yet again. And this makes me even more pissed because Michelle cooked food, but didn't even share with me. Like come on, Michelle. Even I didn't expect that from you. Nice to know you'll cook for dumbass pothead highschool dropout son and friends, but not for me. So I told my mom about this and she said she's very aware of this, which is why she bought me McDonald's the other night 'cause she knows they're just going to let me starve. She said she should call the police on Michelle because she's allowing a bunch of minors get drunk and high constantly. But I'm not a cunt and I don't want to get Laredo taken from her, even if she is a shitty mother and he obviously needs someone who'll set him straight. I don't know. I'm just tired of not being able to eat in my house because there are a bunch of selfish jerks eating it all. So yeah. I just wanted to get that out.

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