Entry 68

91 5 0

January 27, 2020
12:04 A.M.

Yep, I gotta get up in school in a couple hours and I'm still awake. Sonny's sister is drunk off her ass downstairs and she's so fucking loud. And it's so awkward because I went to walk Lady and she's drunk talking about how much she loves me and how she wants to spoil me and I'm just thinking...you don't know me though. I'm sure it's just because she's drunk and all, but it's still so awkward. I hate getting stuck with drunk people. Anyway, so I went to walk Lady, but she's being all up in Lady's face and stuff so I jokingly said "Hey, drunk, stop it" because I gotta walk Lady. After walking Lady, I come back to my mom on the porch being like "Oh, she's crying now because you had to be rude and call her a drunk. You need to apologize". Like seriously? I was being rude? I was obviously joking around! Like I get how she might see as rude, as she is all drunk and stuff, but my mom is fucking sober. She should of been able to tell I said that in a joking manner, not in a mean manner. But whatever. Whatever I say is rude in my mom's eyes. It's like that time she asked me how to spell dealt and I told her it was deal with a t at the end. But no. That was somehow rude because I didn't straight out spell out "D-E-A-L-T". Like are you fucking serious? Jesus Christ, my mom is seriously delusional or something. Anyway, I apologized to Sonny's sister because I honestly didn't mean to hurt her feelings. It wasn't my intention. But here we go again, she goes on another drunk ramble again, which I hate because they are so awkward. I literally nodded and just said "yeah", "uh-huh" the entire time. It was so fucking awkward. Of course, she says that she loves me and is going to spoil me, blah, blah, blah. Whatever. But what ticked me off inside was the fact she called herself my aunt and introduced her son to me as my cousin. Yeah, no. That's not how that works. Like don't get me wrong, she seems like a nice lady, but any family of Sonny is not family of me. Sonny can literally go suck a dick. I refuse to be family to his family. Just because my mom's marrying him does not mean we're family, okay? We're not fucking family. Being called family to that asshole makes me want to choke someone so bad or something. Just ugh! Honestly though, I don't know why she kept telling me she loved me and shit. It has to be because she's drunk, there's no other reason. Oh, and I forgot to mention she was hugging up on me and stuff, so fucking awkward. The only words we've really exchanged before all this is "hi". That's it. And I only say hi because she says hi to me and it'd be rude to ignore her. Like I don't know what I did to make her love me and stuff. It has to be the alcohol. It has to be. I guess I just wanted to exchange that awkwardness with y'all, I don't know.

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