Entry 28

110 7 0

May 14, 2019
7:10 P.M.

Hey. Living another day of not being able to stand my own house. So people are still constantly here even though my mom and I made it clear we aren't a fan of this. I can't even concentrate in my room because they're been blasting rap music ever since I came home from school. And it's not even good rap music. Besides, I had like 90% of rap so this REALLY grinds my gears. And they play it so loud that I can't even hear the YouTube videos I'm watching. I think it's a fucking problem if I have to put in headphones, just to be able to hear these videos. I can still hear shitty rap music over my YouTube videos. Look, they can listen to whatever they want, but blasting this damn music, knowing that my mom is trying to sleep right now, is fucking rude. But aren't they always rude? Yes. Oh, also, the landlord named Peter is allowing Laredo work for him to rebuild the Hooters in my town into this seafood restaurant. I think called the Red Crab or something. I don't remember. But all Laredo does is complain about all the work he does. Like dude. What did you expect? To sit on your ass the entire time? Like he's getting paid for this so I don't get what he's complaining about. He's only complaining because he's a lazy slob. I mean he quitted his job at McDonald's, so that says a lot. Also, Peter is a Chinese guy so he speaks choppy English, and Laredo makes fun of him for it with his friends all the time, which is so rude. Imagine someone making fun of you for the way you speak. That's what he's doing. Michelle and my mom are guilty of it too and I told them before "Hey, don't do that. That's rude." Like they jokingly imitate the way he talks too, like come on. Stop it. Be polite. So anyway, Laredo complains about Peter offering him a job and that he has to do work. Peter even offered me to work at the restaurant once it's done being built so it just shows how nice this guy is. I just don't understand why Laredo is just so rude. So yeah, that's the tea of the day.

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