Entry 110

36 3 0

December 9, 2020
5:36 P.M.

Hey y'all, sorry I didn't updated lately. You guys know I started my job on Monday, so you guys are probably wondering how that went. Or probably not. I know there are people who don't like this diary since 99% of it is just me complaining about my life. Anyway, I've just been a bit lazy. But I have nothing to do right now and I had today off so I guess this'd be the perfect time to tell you how work's been for me. To be clear, I never was scared really about the job itself, but more about being around people. My coworkers seem pretty nice so far so that's a relief. One of the cooks there even was joking with me at times so that's cool. Putting on my apron was a pain in the ass since I'm so small so my mom had to tighten the apron and tie it at the top somewhere for me so it'd fit. Man, I wish I would grow sometimes. One of my coworkers were just going on about how cute I am because I'm so small. For the most part, I have learned where everything is (such as the drinks) for if a customer needs something so that's good. The parts I definitely need to get better at is writing down the orders and calling them out (the servers call out the orders where I work) but I think I'll get the hang of it eventually. I need to yell more when I call out the orders. I just get so shy and timid when I do it, but I think I'm getting better at it the more I did it. The face masks definitely don't help. I swear I sound like Charlie Brown's teachers with those things due to my speech impediment especially. But overall, it was not a terrible experience. It was alright. It definitely could of been worse. A guy did give me a $22 tip so hey. I don't know what I did, but I don't mind. I like money. I'm not going to complain. My mom's friend who was training me said the guy probably thought I was cute or something. I don't know. I don't care. I got money and that's all that matters to me. My legs did hurt a little bit afterwards, but I think it's just because I'm not used to walking a lot. It wasn't like I was in excruciating pain so I'm okay. They feel better already. So yeah, I think I'll be okay. It's just nice to say I have a job because I feel less like a burden because of it, you know? I'm not just sitting in my room and rotting away so...yeah. That's how work has been for me. Not horrible.

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