Entry 7

433 23 17

January 12, 2019
8:33 A.M.

Guess what happened this morning? A huge fight between my mom and her boyfriend. And apparently it was so bad that she wanted me to sleep with her. Anyway, let me explain what happened. So my mom came home at 6 in the morning, drunk off her ass (which is pretty bad), but she at least had a friend drive her home so I give her that. But apparently, my mom's boyfriend threw a big fit about it, which is what I expected because he's mentally 5 years old. But I do understand why he's pissed off. She shouldn't have came home drunk at 6 in the fucking morning. But acting like a baby isn't going to have me come to your defense either. So just so y'all know, he was supposed to get her a car (since her current car has no heat and it apparently reminds her of my dad), but according to her, he said she wasn't important enough to get a car for. I didn't really witness any fighting, as my mom's boyfriend went off and he went off a walk I guess, but I honestly believe that they should break up already. All the fighting is unhealthy. And not only for them, but for me too. I even told my mom that if she truly loved me, she would break up with him because she knows damn well that this relationship isn't working out. And of course, she's all like "I need a man" or "I need him to help with bills". No. No she doesn't. She definitely doesn't need a man at all times. I don't have a man and I'm fine. Plus, is she proud to have HIM as a boyfriend? I sure as hell wouldn't. He's not even good looking. He looks stupid, with his dumb hair and nipple ring. Yes. This motherfucker has a nipple ring. Now I have nothing wrong with nipple piercings, but it just looks so dumb on him. So secondly, she don't need him to pay the bills. If she didn't spend like $50 a night at the fucking bar, she'll have plenty of money. And without him, less electricity and food, and yadda yadda will be used. Like with just us two, we'll be completely fine. All she said to me was "You're right", but knowing her, she's not going to go through with any of this. Knowing her, she'll go running back to mentally 5 year old pothead boyfriend with the stupid nipple ring, and they'll continue fighting. 'Cause nothing I say is important. But I can just dream, I suppose.

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