Entry 113

42 4 5

December 20, 2020
6:04 P.M.

Wanna hear some good news? I tested NEGATIVE! I don't got the coronavirus! Thank God. I was thinking I didn't because I never showed any symptoms or anything, but I could of been immune and be a carrier and spread it to others, you never know. But it's nice to say that I for sure do not have the coronavirus and that I'm not a carrier of it or anything. My mom did test positive for it, but she said she's been getting her smell and taste back so I think she's going to recover fine. She recovered a lot faster than my granny did but you know, my mom is a lot younger than my granny so...anyway, I'm okay! My boss at my job said I can start working again on Tuesday so I'm going to have to call him and ask about my work schedule. But I guess I just wanted to explain that I am okay. Physically at least. My granny said I must have a really good immune system considering I've been around her and both my mom who had the coronavirus and I didn't catch it and I definitely believe that. Ever since I was little, I've rarely ever got sick. If I stayed home from school, it was because of my depressed moods but rarely ever because I was sick. Even when I had a cold not too long ago, I think it was because of allergies. I always get a runny nose around this time of year. So yeah, I think my immune system just kicks ass. It'd be nice if my mental health did too. Oh well. At least I'm not going to die.

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