Entry 106

31 2 0

November 28, 2020
7:23 P.M.

I don't usually post more than one entry on the same day, but I'm doing it right now. So anyway, apparently late last night, my older brother was vomiting really badly and my granddaddy ended up taking him to the hospital. Right now, we're not sure what's wrong with him but they think it's something related to his gallbladder. I really hope he doesn't have to get surgery or anything. He just got into medical school, you know? I don't want this to stop him from being successful in life or something. I hope it's nothing serious. I just came back from visiting him and can I say for one, wearing face masks suck. I can smell my breath the whole time, which was not pleasant because I just ate spaghetti and cheesebread for dinner beforehand. Secondly, what sucked was that we could only see him one by one, we couldn't go as a group. Let me say, waiting is a pain in the ass. There wasn't even any magazines or anything, so I was just stuck sitting there. Also, the lady there asked how old I am because I guess you have to be at least 18 to visit him or something. I don't know. My granddaddy just joked about how I look 12 even though I'm 19. But yeah, eventually I got to see my older brother and he was very sleepy due to pain medication. He didn't say much, but he said he was happy I did come along to see him. I told him of course I would because he's my brother and even though he gets on my nerves, I love him. I really do. I know I've complained about him a couple times, but I know he's only hard on me because he loves me. He wants the best for me. I just wish he didn't have to talk down on me when he tells me I need to get a job or something. His ego is the huge problem for me. But then again, I hear that people who tend to be really narcissistic tend to actually have low self esteem so I will take that into consideration. Although he was lucky enough to be out of the house and into college by the time Sonny came around, my mom's always had crappy boyfriends like him so who knows? I'm sure that's taken a toll on my older brother although we did have our dad around at the time. I think he mentioned once he's been going to therapy because of my mom so...his ego could also be because everyone is always sucking his dick and telling him how great he is. I don't know. I'm just saying I do love my older brother despite him having such a huge ego because in the end, he is the only one in my family who still talks to me and I can tell he loves me. He even grabbed my hand while I was visiting him, it was really sweet. I really hope he's okay and that it's nothing serious. I don't want all his hard work until now to be for naught.

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