Entry 24

125 8 0

May 8, 2019
12:57 P.M.

I'm back from court. And Jesus Christ, that was so long. Literally arrived there at 8:30 in the morning and now it's about 1 and I just got back. This whole thing was bullshit. First, we come into the courthouse at about 8:30 and at 9 (which was when it was scheduled), all the people were allowed in the courtroom. Apparently, there was 263 fucking cases assigned. 263! So after squishing us all in, then the police lady made everyone who was not a defendant leave the courtroom. Like what the fuck. Why make us come in, just to kick us out? And obviously, there was too much defendants for them to fit in family and friends so I was stuck sitting outside in the hall the ENTIRE time. So great. I went to support my mom and I can't even do that. And guess who I was stuck with in the hall? Fucking Michelle. And all she was like was "I wonder if Sonny is here". Like bitch, I don't fucking care if Sonny is here. He's literally the reason we're going through this bullshit. And now my stomach hurts so fucking great. So all that happened is my mom is getting continued. That's it. Nothing else happened. So I wasted a whole school day on this, sitting bored in the fucking hall with fucking Michelle. God, I hate my life. But at least my mom's not going to jail. Also, her next court date is June 14 so I'll be 18 by then. Which means if something does happen to her, then I don't have to worry about anything happening to me. So yay for that. But still a waste of fucking time.

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