Entry 159

37 2 0

August 3, 2023
10:20 P.M.

Well, I'm back to update y'all on the bullshit. So I got my driver's license and tag back on my car. Yay! Also, I don't think I explained this in the last entry but yeah, the cop at the scene of my accident took my tag. Why? I don't know! My insurance was fine so she had no reason to take the tag. My mom said it's to make more money so I would have to pay for another tag, which I can see but she also mentioned that she's been pulled over six times for driving with an expired tag in the past but never once was her tag taken. So??? Doesn't make sense! But whatever, I had to pay for another tag so fuck it. Anyway, I did ask why my driver's license was expired, explaining how I've only been driving for seven months and I haven't had a ticket, etc. The lady there just said there must of been a miscommunication in between my insurance company and the DMV. So stupid shit. I'm just glad to have everything fixed and have my freedom back. I do feel a little nervous to drive again, but it's not something I can't avoid. I got to be an adult and face the anxiousness.

Also, my younger brother's birthday is coming up soon so while my mom and I were out, I got him a birthday gift. Not gonna lie, I wasn't sure what to get him because when I asked, he was all like "I don't know". But I do know he really likes playing video games and he only has a PS5 currently so I got him a Nintendo Switch. I can't wait to see his face when I give it to him. He talked about how when he was in Kansas with my dad, they had a Switch but he wasn't allowed to play it because it wasn't his or something?? Some bullshit like that. He didn't have the ability to do anything he want and was treated worse than the wife's kids. Such bullshit. My younger brother mentioned how our mom isn't perfect but he says he's been happier living with her than our dad so that's good to hear at least. It's also just so nice to talk to him again. It gave me purpose to keep going and keep living. Anyway, I spent $300 on him so he better like it, haha!

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