Entry 17

220 20 2

March 21, 2019
11:55 P.M.

I honestly don't know why I even try to speak to Sean anymore. He obviously despises my existence. He and my Aunt Pamela were talking about InuYasha (an anime if you don't know), and being a fan as well, I trained to join in. Obviously, since I'm family, I didn't think I had to ask to join but I think that's what Sean expects of me. Sorry for not bowing down to you, Your Majesty. Like seriously. And somehow the conversation went from InuYasha to two more animes, Dragon Ball and Naruto, and Sean acts like I don't know what I'm talking about because "I've never seen these animes". Um...yeah I have. He literally forced me to watch them when we were kids because he liked them so much. And I'm not complaining about that. They're great shows. I'm glad he showed them to me. But it just annoys me that he literally thinks I don't know what I'm talking about (even though we watched these animes together) and just dismisses me. He literally told me to go away. Like what an asshole. I don't even know why he even comes down for spring break if he doesn't want to see me. It pisses me off. He literally belittles every little thing I say. Like yesterday at dinner, he thought it was okay to belittle my fucking grammar. And just so you know, I said "So much people" instead of "So many people". You know, a common grammar error in the English language. And fine, belittle my grammar. But if someone else makes a grammar error, nah, don't say nothing about it. Only when Zoe fucks up. I think I actually hate him. I'll just ignore him the rest of the time here and see if he says anything. I doubt he will though.

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