Entry 63

104 3 2

November 15, 2019
8:10 P.M.

Guess who just got into another argument again? My mom and Sonny. I know, not shocking. But I found the argument to be hilarious because they were arguing about fucking darts. DARTS. So long story short, they play on this dart league and guess where they play at? Bars. I swear that's the only fucking reason my mom does it. For the alcohol. Anyway, I don't know exactly what they were arguing about because I don't understand how the whole thing works, but the fact Sonny's so angry about darts of all things is just hilarious. And my mom is trying to take a shower, and yet he STILL continues to try to argue with her. Like geez, at least have the decency to let her finishing showering, you fucking pig. But what did I expect? We're talking about a man who thought it was okay to kick a woman and her daughter out a house they've been living in for 8 years while he only has lived there for like a year. Oh, and then move in with us even though we only moved because his piece of shit ass kicked us out in the first place. God, that pisses me off so fucking much! If only I could scream at the top of my lungs. Anyway, so all I said during all this is "Really? You're arguing about fucking darts?" But that definitely pissed Sonny off to no end because I overheard him talking trash about me. I don't know to who, but it's amazing how that one comment was what set him off. And you want to know what he told me? It's literally funny. He said..."A kid should stay out of adult matters." Wow. Seriously. He should be a fucking comedian. I don't know how I held in my laughter. Okay, Sonny, listen...the last time I checked, I'm not a kid. I'm a legal adult. Secondly, adult matters? What adult matters? Fucking darts? Darts is a goddamn sport. I don't know what adult matters you're talking about. And what? Did he expect me to stay quiet? You can't expect me to have you arguing right in front of my fucking bedroom door and have me stay quiet. Like you're disturbing my peace and quiet. Yeah, I'm not going to fucking stay quiet. Ridiculous. And I made one comment. I tried to stay out of it this one time. But yeah, all he ever said about talking trash is "I'm 42 years old and I'm not going to let some kid with no work experience who's never been in a relationship give me relationship advice". Like what? I don't know why he has to bring up his age every time. I don't give a fuck that you're 42 years old. In all honesty, that just makes your tantrums even more hilarious and just sad. He calls me a kid yet he gets worked up by a sport where you throw a mini missile. Like are you serious? Secondly, what does with me never had having an actual job have to do with relationships? Third, I never gave relationship advice. I just expressed annoyance that they were arguing about something so small and insignificant. Did I ever say "Hey, if you want a better relationship" or whatever, no. I never said shit. I don't know why the fuck he said that. Besides, I don't need to be a relationship to know this much arguing is unhealthy. Just ridiculous. I honestly don't know what else to say. The low IQ on this man makes me laugh.

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