Entry 77

80 3 13

March 24, 2020
8:05 P.M.

God, I don't want to do this online school bullshit. So you know how where I live, school is closed until April 15 because of the stupid coronavirus? Well, because of this stupidity, starting March 30, we have to start doing online school until then. And obviously, I don't want to do this. Finally, information was posted on my school website about this online shit, but one thing I'm confused about is can I do it any time of the day or are there lessons for specific times of the day? Because I heard we were doing some livestream thing, but I'm still not exactly sure. I wish information wasn't so fucking vague. Can I just go back to actual school? This is literally stupid. The coronavirus isn't even THAT bad. Like only old people and people with preexisting health conditions are dying. Anybody else who's got the coronavirus has recovered. Like ugh. I don't wanna do stupid online school. It better not be like summer school or I'm going to be so fucking pissed.

Not only that, but I'm stuck with dealing with Sonny now starting shit with the neighbors. So my neighbors like to play music really loud and it's quite annoying. But instead of being a rational human being and walking over and saying "Hey, the music is a little loud and it's bothering me. Can you please turn it down?", Sonny decides to stoop down to their level and blast music even louder using Bluetooth just to piss them off. Like are you fucking serious? Not only that, the neighbors are complaining to the lady at the rent office. So thanks for causing more bullshit for us, Sonny. God, why is he still around!? The lady at the rent office said the neighbors only got problems with Sonny, but to be honest, I'm not sure about that. Every time I go to walk my dog, they always look at me with this dirty look when they're sitting outside, leaving me thinking "WHAT!?" Did I fucking do something? I swear my neighbors are hating me because of Sonny's bullshit, which sucks because I have nothing to do with it. And I can't say something to Sonny because he'd only throw a fit and call me degrading names like a cunt or whatever, and that'd only make the situation worse. According to my mom, they're threatening to kick his ass or call his probation officer on him and I seriously hope they do because he deserves to have his ass kicked. Not only that, he's on probation and is still smoking weed. Last time I checked, that's violating his probation so honestly he's in the wrong here and he knows it. Anyway, more of Sonny causing bullshit because he doesn't know how to be a fucking grown-up. The lady at the rent office said if he can't keep his cool, he needs to go because he's not even on the list and I completely agree. Can't he just go away already!? Ugh!

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