Entry 56

124 8 7

August 25, 2019
4:15 P.M.

I'm going to fucking kill myself. You think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. If this is the last of my entries, don't be surprised. I don't even have Wi-Fi at the moment so you probably won't even see this. Who knows if I can hold out until Tuesday? I'm not shocked at all, but it actually fucking happened. My mom fucking moved Sonny in the apartment with us. Like are you serious? Not only are we in a small, dumpy ass apartment because he kicked us out of our own house, but he isn't even going to keep the house he took from us and move in? Are you fucking serious? And my mom is all like "Bitch at me later. My stomach hurts and I hurt." Bitch, I don't care that you're on your goddamn period right now. I don't think I've ever been so pissed off in my life before. Holy shit. If she's going to do is make excuses, I'll tell him to fuck off myself. Because this is ridiculous and absolutely disrespectful to me. I hate my dad for being the asshole that he was to me, but he's right. I should of went with him in Kansas. My mom can't take care of herself. She's completely incompetent. I hate everything in my life. I just want to fucking die. Life is not worth living. When was it ever?

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