Entry 102

94 3 6

November 4, 2020
1:22 A.M.

So my granddaddy is on my ass to do something with my life. Literally at dinner every night, he goes on this speech that I need to make a move. Its just so hard to do something when you literally have no motivation to do so. Its so hard when you don't care enough about yourself to better yourself. And it's so hard when I freak out being around people. I explained that I think I should get used to people first, but he just says "You'll get used to people when you have a job." Like he just wants to thrust me in there. It's like he wants me to have a panic attack or something. It's as if my feelings don't matter. Then again, do my feelings ever matter? I'm also stressing right now just thinking about being around people. I just don't know what to do...but I can't just sit here because he expects me to have a job by next week or possibly even sooner so...ugh, I hate my life...

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