Entry 42

88 6 0

June 24, 2019
10:45 A.M.

The disrespect that these potheads show to people is honestly just astonishing. Like I had no idea people can be disrespectful. And all I gotta say is my mom says I'm disrespectful. For one, I'm brutally honest, not disrespectful. But anyway, I came home last night from my aunt's house and I went straight to my room. In my room, Michelle kept asking Laredo to stop doing a certain thing (though I don't know what as I was in my room), but he obviously kept doing whatever he was doing because for once, she actually screamed at him. It was just amazing to listen to. I actually sat still and listened. She even told him to turn the TV off and go to bed. But the disrespect continues. As soon as she leaves the room, he turns the TV back on! Like are you serious, dude? So of course, she came back out and continued to yell at him. And she said words that I can finally agreed with. His argument towards her was "Well, I'm almost grown up" and she said "It doesn't matter if you're almost an adult because you still act like you're 3 years old". Yes, preach it. It felt so nice to listen to. And the whole time, he was like "Bruh, calm the fuck down". Seriously, who says that to their mother? I don't even think I've said that to my mother, despite all her bullshit. I don't know, it's just sad. Honestly just sad. I seriously wonder how the fuck Michelle has dealt with him for the past 17 years. Like I've only been in the same house for almost 3 months now and I'm done. At least my mom got us a new apartment we'll be moving into at some point in July.

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