Entry 30

94 6 1

May 19, 2019
9:52 A.M.

So today's my birthday. Yay, I guess. I don't really care for my birthday. But I'm 18 now so that's cool. I made it to adulthood without committing suicide. Anyway, I'm going to post another frustrated entry on my birthday of all days? Yes. 'Cause people are fucking frustrating.

So first of all, today I plan to finally go see Avengers: Endgame with my friend, Micke (since my mom's a bitch and went and saw it without me). So the thing I'm frustrated with is I don't know what showtime he wants us to attend so I don't know when to get ready because he's going to come and pick me up. And I've been asking ALL weekend and his answer is just like "I don't know yet". Like come on, dude. Make up your fucking mind. Apparently, it depends on what time he gets out of church, but like...doesn't church get out the same time every time? I know when I used to go to church, it did. But I guess not Micke's church. They just get out a different time every Sunday I guess. I know this isn't that big of a deal, but it still adds a little frustration in my life.

So Laredo STILL has his dumb ass pothead highschool dropout friends over ALL THE TIME. And last night, one of them had the fucking nerve to like bare ass moon Michelle on the back screen door. Of course, Michelle thought this was funny. For some reason, this is okay behavior to her. But this is rude to me because I don't want someone's ass on my back door! Show some goddamn respect when you're at someone's house! I wouldn't do that at his house. I don't understand why these motherfuckers don't understand what manners is. I don't think I should have to yell at them to not rub their bare ass on my back door. And I certainly don't think I should have to tell them to close the back door when they're chilling on the back porch because one, Lady can get out (she has once, but luckily she was just chilling on the back porch. She didn't run off) and secondly, so the fucking bugs don't get in. I'm tired of seeing fucking mosquitoes or wasps in my house because dumbasses can shut the door. Laredo complains this house sucks so much because of all the bugs, but it's his fault there's so much bugs inside because he can't shut the damn door! Like is that so hard!? Besides, if the house sucks so much, then get your damn place. Like geez. Do parents not teach their kids respect anymore?

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