Entry 65

118 7 3

January 10, 2020
7:34 P.M.

Oh look, my first entry of 2020. Sorry I went all of December without updating. I just been lacking so much motivation to do anything. I'm even lacking the motivation to make YouTube videos, something I love doing. I think it's been over a week since I last made a YouTube video. Hadn't made a video in 2020 yet so far. Maybe I will tomorrow. I don't know. If I don't feel so drained, I guess. My mom and I were actually spending time together, but no, Sonny just had to come home and she decided to leave with him somewhere. She was all down to hang out, but no. Once Sonny showed up, she wanted to be with him. I don't understand. Why does she always prefer that abusive asshole over me? Am I just that agitating? Why did I have to enter a new year with that piece of shit still around? It'd be really easy to kill myself right now. I wonder if my mom would even care if I did. Probably not. She'd probably be glad to be rid of me since I'm nothing but an inconvenience and a burden to her. I wish I was never born. Oh well. I'll update more when I feel more motivated to do so. Bye for now, I suppose.

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