Entry 25

131 8 0

May 9, 2019
12:12 A.M.

Just going to complain here for a second. Which is normal. Anyway, this is about Michelle's son, Laredo. All I got to say is what an idiotic dickbag. He literally acts like he owns the house. So when we first all moved in together, my mom asked for him not to have friends spend the night on a school night as it would be unfair for me. (Oh, and just so you know, he's not in school. He's a dropout). So what does he do? Invites friends over to spend the night on school nights. So that's just disrespectful to my mother. Well, to me too, but I don't care about it that much. So anyway, this morning before we went to court, I caught Lady licking from ice-cream bowl from the night before. I asked him to put the bowl in the sink because I don't want Lady to continue licking from his bowl. Besides, it was on the living room floor all night and that's just disgusting. And I thought I was a lazy slob. Anyway, he basically got an attitude with me and was like "why don't you throw it away since it's such a big problem?" Like really? I'm older than he is. I'm not going to allow him to speak to me like that. But my mom cut in and just said "How about you clean up after yourself?" Like seriously, that is disgusting. So that annoyed me. All I asked was to put his bowl in the sink. Not a big task. So I just finished talking to my mom and she asked if I ate anything today. I told her I ate around 1 when Michelle bought me McDonald's. So my mom just asked "so you're telling me that they ordered pizza and didn't share it with you?" I just asked "what?" And she said "yeah, they ordered pizza to eat for dinner." Like what the fuck? I didn't even know Laredo and his stupid friends ordered pizza. And of course he didn't share it with me. For some reason, he hates me. So basically, asshole move. They didn't even save me any. And they drank up all my mom's code red mountain dew too. She didn't get one can. So that's Laredo. A lazy slob (so lazy he can't take his fucking bowl to the sink) who eats and drinks up everything in the house. My mom bought 3 12 packs of soda earlier this week. They're all gone now. Like he doesn't pay the fucking bills here. My mom does. Show some goddamn respect. So yeah. My mom's obviously tired of his bullshit so I told her she needs to show her dominance in the house since she's the breadwinner. So hopefully she does. Okay. Sorry about that. Have a good night.

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