Entry 36

84 8 1

June 6, 2019
11:17 A.M.

Nothing changes, does it? Instead of a drunk Sonny going out of control, I now have a high Laredo going out of control. This motherfucker was just laughing in the room, saying that last night was "so funny". Funny! How was any of that funny!? This really shows how he doesn't care. I mean, I already knew that, but geez. Not to mention he accused my mom on being on coke last night, which makes no sense because if she was on coke, I doubt she'll be so hard on him about smoking weed. Just saying. But wait, the weed killed his brain cells. My bad. All I have to say is I can't wait to see the life Laredo is going to be living. He's a highschool dropout with criminal charges. No one's going to hire him because of that, so he's going to have no way to make money. Unless he's going to continue selling weed the rest of his life. Yes, "continue". In a way, I feel bad for Michelle because she has to call that her son. Can you imagine living, knowing your child turned into a disrespectful piece of shit that has no diploma with a criminal record. Ridiculous. Sometimes, I wish I didn't actually have a brain that functions so I wouldn't see the fucked up reality of this. Oh well. Hopefully, my mom will find another house for only her and me and we get away from this. I straight out told her I don't want to live Michelle and Laredo, and that it wasn't going to work out and look at where we are now. I hate to be that person, but...I told you so. Believe it or not, I may not act like that, but I do know what I am talking about. But wait, telling her that this situation wasn't going to work was disrespectful. My mom sees anyone differing with her opinions as disrespectful. Makes no sense. Whatever. She called me a disrespectful piece of shit, literally right in front of me, so she can go fuck herself. Hopefully, one day, I can get away from everyone and just become a hermit. Because humans are just bullshit.

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