Entry 45

90 8 1

June 27, 2019
2:25 P.M.

This has been annoying the shit out of me for the past two weeks. So for the past two weeks, I've had lice. So two weeks ago, I texted my mom when I was out, telling her to get me some lice treatment to get rid of the lice. So she told me she will. A week past...she has yet to get the lice treatment. So I tell her "Hey, I have lice. Get me lice treatment". All she said was "Oh, I was hoping you didn't have lice." Really? You told me you were getting the lice treatment. Even if I ended up not having lice, at least we got the treatment just in case. You get what I'm saying? Okay, it's been about two weeks now. So this morning, I said "Hey, where's my lice treatment?" And my mom's answer was "You don't have lice". Really? I don't have lice? I told you I pulled lice from my hair! How are you going to tell me what I do or don't have? Like has she not noticed me scratching my head when I'm around her? I don't have lice, no. I'm just scratching my head for no reason. Just because no one else in the house has lice doesn't mean I don't. I'm in my room 99% of the time so that's most likely how. You ever thought of that? Honestly, all this has been are excuses for why she hasn't bought the treatment or why she refuses to help me. Just buy the treatment and help your goddamn daughter! Is that so hard? I can't believe I'm even ranting about this. This is not something I have to rant about, but it's happening. My mother's a lost cause. She buys me food just to earn my love, but she can't buy me lice treatment to treat the damn lice in my hair. Fucking ridiculous.

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