Chapter 75: Damn it, pest!

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This and probably a few more chapters of Hunter being bullied by Darius and Kiki.

Darius' P.O.V.

"Ugh! Can you believe the scene they made?! I swear, the Blight boy was in love or something!" Kikimora nods but looks back at Hunter who's lacking behind. "Hurry up, pest!" Damn he's slow. I grab his abused arm, the arm of which I keep grabbing and pull him forward. Then I look to Kikimora who looks like she's thinking. "He's no longer in the favor of Lord Belos. We could do whatever we want with him as long as it doesn't kill him." She's right, but I've already been doing that.

"I'm off duty now. Probably should wait to pass the time. Hex's Huldum?" "You're just going to throw a fit if you lose." I gasp with a hand to my heart. "Since when?!" "Literally everytime!" She just sighs. "Fine. Guess I could do with some stress relief. It is quite entertaining to see you throw a tantrum." And she walks off, going to get the materials needed for the card game.

The nerve of that wretch! I let go of the small pest's arm, letting him just stand there with a blank look. 

Kikimora quickly rushes back with the supplies needed for the card game which is to my surprise. Surprised her tiny legs actually got anywhere. She and I then sit on the ground while that now mindless drone remains standing.




The game goes on for a while, but I unfortunately take a massive loss. Kikimora is probably smiling like a moron behind her mask while I feel my blood boil. "AHHGH! DAMN IT, PEST!" I get up and elbow him so hard, he falls over to the side. This making Kikimora laugh hysterically. "I guess he can be used as an outlet for a anger. The main reason I want Lord Belos to partner him up with me." She chuckles.

"The reason Belos partnered me up with him was so those owl witches couldn't get close to him. Don't think he can change his mind on it.




Once the game is finished, we walk back to our duties. But our duties taking us in the same direction of the castle, so we walk near each other. We come to a spot in the hall where there's a staircase to our side. And without any warning, Kikimora pushes Hunter down it. She's still pissy about the treatment he got?

(Spelling? And how is it?)

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