Chapter 80: Following

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Edric's P.O.V.

Once leaving The Owl House, we head off into town, probably able to find Hunter as I've been seeing the big guy around town from time to time. As much as I want to see Hunter, it's painful to see him considering the circumstances.

The town is bustling with life at this moment as we keep a lookout for Hunter along with Darius. Hunter who's most likely wearing his helmet which will be very easy to notice while the big guy will be wearing his white cape to show authority. "We should get him in an area nobody's in. If they go into an uninhabited location, that's when we strike." Lilith tells the group, us all walking on.




Walking even more further after twenty or more minutes, we take a sit down as we feel our legs getting tiresome. "I feel like it's been hours!" Whines Luz. She seems like the type to have such a low attention span, things would take a while according to her. Amity chuckles at her girlfriend because of her complaint. I look around, trying to find any sign of- And I notice two figures in white hoods. One near my height and the other who's tall. But being followed by that tiny red girl.

"It's him!" I tell the group but not too loudly as I don't want to draw that much attention. Besides me, Eda's the first to stand. But remember. We can't be so reckless. We need to wait till they're in an unpopulated area." Lilith, the next one to stand who puts a hand on her sister's shoulder.

But why would a coven leader be in town like this in the open? Looks like the three are doing errands together. Nevertheless, the group stands up one by one as the three walk further away and almost out of sight. That's when we begin to follow.

But during the whole time they're in our sights, I notice the big guy is roughly pulling Hunter by the arm while the tiny girl is occasionally jogging to them as she's just too damn small. "Would it kill you to slow down?!" She shrieks at him, ignoring the attention she's getting from onlookers.

"Are my steps too big for you?" He snorts, letting go of Hunter's arm. Hunter just stands there as they bicker. If he had a mind of his own right now, he'd probably say something rude. That would make me laugh, but he can't do anything except take orders like a robot.

Usually I'd be sipping imaginary tea at seeing two bicker, but I just want them to hurry up! They can't stop arguing with each other! But as I look at Hunter, I notice he has a tear in the calf area of his pants, showing a fresh scar. From all here, hard to tell wether it's deep or not.

(Spelling? And hopefully things actually work out)

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