Chapter 8

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With his dark lusty filled angry eyes looking down on me.

I gulped hard as he kept looking down at me with those eyes. It was not my first time seeing that look in his eyes but the emotion of lust was so much stronger which made my body shiver in a bad way. I kept looking at him with my wide eyes not knowing what his next move would be. He just kept looking at me with a hawk-like gaze, not uttering a single word of his mouth. The way he looked made me feel more sacred for myself. 

His silence and his ignorance told me a different story which made me want to jump out of this plane and land straight in my bed so I could hide under my blanket. Seconds passed and turned into minutes but he didn't say anything. He just kept increasing the tension in the air, making my throat go dry. I need to do something. I felt so many questions rising in me that made me go insane for a few seconds. I tried to push him away but what surprised me, even more, was that he instantly let me go without doing anything. His actions confused and scared me at the same time. I didn't know what he was planning to do in his head. He rested his head on his palm still lying on the bed with his grey lusty eyes still focused on me as I wore my shoe. 

I pretended to not get affected by his gaze from outside but from inside I was shaking. He looked like a lion who had just taken two steps back only to take four steps forward to pounce on its prey. As if he knew I had no choice but to come back to him at the end of the day. His demeanour was fully changed. God, what is this man up to? I walked out of the room fast not wanting to be under his hawk-like gaze anymore. I sat back in my seat with little shaking legs. For the rest of the journey, I kept sitting like that. He came out of the room a few minutes after me. My heart was reading loudly when it was time to land. I closed my eyes tightly when the plane was going down. It felt like swift air passing through my stomach. 

Even though I was a hell of nervous I kept feeling his eyes on me. I don't care anymore that he was seeing my scared face. I breathed in relief when the pilot announced that we had safely landed. When I got out of the plane I saw it was almost dark. I thought he would leave me alone now that we were back in New York as he wanted. I was thinking about taking a cab to Erick's place. But I thought too soon. My luggage was taken to the black car standing in front of me. I still kept standing there thinking if I should or shouldn't follow him. But he turned around and gave me a warning look in his eyes to follow him. I glared at his back. Now we were sitting in the car. He went back to ignoring me and I kept looking out the window. My eyes furrowed in confusion when the car took an opposite turn. This is not the direction where Erick lives. 

"Sir, you have taken the wrong turn. The place I live is that way" I said politely to the driver while pointing in the opposite direction. The driver looked at him from the front mirror. 

"You are going right. Keep driving Dev" he said in his firm voice while going back to looking at his cell phone. My eyes furrowed, even more, is this a different root to Erick's place? Soon I realised that we were going towards his penthouse. 

"Stop the car," I said in a firm voice as soon as I realised where we were going. I won't go to his place. But the driver didn't stop. 

"I said stop the car," I said a little loud, making the driver look to the head chef for help. 

"Keep driving Dev," he said in his firm voice, still looking at his cell phone. His changed behaviour pissed me off even more. What does he think I'm his slave? He thinks that he will do anything and I will follow it. Then he is wrong. I won't. 

"I said stop the car or else I will scream," I said in my mad voice but they paid no attention. I was left with no choice. I opened the window and screamed. 

"Help" I screamed next thing I knew a calloused palm was covering my mouth. My voice was muffled beneath it. A partition was put between us and the driver. He told the driver to keep driving as he pressed my seat down. Now he was hovering over me with his mad grey eyes on my face. I tried to move but he pinned me with his heavy body. Both our bodies were half lying on the seat. The pissed look in his eyes made a big lump form in my throat. He removed his hand. I wanted to scream again but the deadly look on his face made me think twice. Even though I was scared a bit for myself I was still angry at him. I glared at him. 

"You want to scream. Go head scream but think carefully about how your stupid actions will affect your family" he threatened me with his face just an inch away from mine. My jaw clenched in anger as he was gaping using his powers over me. I bit my lower lip in resentment still glaring at him. I had no choice but to keep quiet. I looked away in anger but his grip on my chin made me look at him. I felt sparks at his mere touch but still kept glaring at him. 

"Good. Just keep your mouth shut like that" he said arrogantly while pushing himself away from me and going back to his sitting position. I sat back with my hands folded on my chest in anger and went back to looking out of the window. I was not looking at anything as my mind was heaving with the mixture of emotions I was feeling. Soon we reached his place. The driver took my bag. I was not ready to step out but I remembered how he threatened me a few minutes ago. I got out and looked at the huge building in front of me. I just kept on thinking if I should run from here but I was too late because my hand was gripped in a firm grip and I was being pulled by him. Soon we reached his place. He let go of my hand once we were in and walked away somewhere. 

My bag was kept in one corner. I was looking at the house as I remembered the time we spent here. I again bit my lower lip as tears started to form in my eyes as I remembered the day when he said he liked me. I was seated on the kitchen island with him standing in front of me. He was looking at me so lovingly that day but now when I look in his eyes all I see is anger and fire of revenge. I sniffed and drank back my tears when I saw him coming out of the room. His blazer was missing now and his shirt was rolled up to his elbow. I looked at him waiting for him to tell me why I was there but he didn't make any effort to open his mouth. 

"What I'm doing here," I asked in my firm voice, still sniffing in between. He still didn't answer me. He was back to ignoring me. It is getting on my nerves now. I didn't want his attention either way but he needs to answer my few questions. I waited for a good five minutes but nothing happened. 

"If you brought me here just to keep ignoring me then it's better I go to Erick's place. It will save both of our energy" I said in my mad voice and walked towards my bag to get it. But before my hand could touch the handle I was pressed to the wall. A gasp left my mouth as it happened so fast. I tried to push him with my hands but he pinned them on either side of my head. his face was so near me. Our noses were touching each other and our eyes connected. Mine was frightened and shocked and his eyes were burning with anger. I saw flames of anger mixed with jealousy in his eyes.

"You are going nowhere, not today, not tomorrow never," he said in his furious yet commanding voice. My whole body shivered at his words. But my body stiffened when he completed his sentence. 

"Because from now onwards you are going to stay with me" 

"Only me." 

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