Kalisto for PaigeTurnerTapout

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I walked into the house hearing creaking noises from upstairs. A shudder ran down my spine, as I instinctively picked up the bat Dolph had left out for me to use. I creeped up the stairs listening closer to the sounds hearing that they were coming from our bedroom. The noises got louder and louder, making me even more anxious. I slowly grabbed the handle and opened the door to see Dolph wrapped up under the duvet. "Hey love," he smiled.

I walked closer over to him noticing a big lump wrapped under the white sheet. Dolph looked at me realising I had spotted it, laying out further on the bed, resting his arm over it. "Have we got a new teddy I didn't know about?" I asked him.

"No, it's just a bundle of clothes I forgot to put away." I knew that was a lie as I had put both of clothes away in the morning. I walked over to my side of the bed, raising my eyebrow at him and then lifted the duvet up. Underneath a young blonde girl smiled up at me, her clothes strewn around her.

"Okay, so this is not what it looks like," Dolph whispered trying to defend himself.

"It is exactly what it looks like, you with another girl in our bed. You know what Dolph, I thought maybe you weren't what the others told me, but actually you're exactly that, so we're done." I grabbed a few things and put them in my rucksack. "Don't try to follow me."

I stormed out heading down to the local hotel as it was only for one night before we headed back on the road. I sat on the hotel bed realising I didn't even have a lift to the shows for the week. I sighed quickly running through all the names I had that lived locally. "Hey, I don't suppose you've got room for a little one tomorrow?"

After a terrible nights sleep I woke up promptly packing my bag up to be picked up at ten. I waited in the lobby until my phone buzzed signalling they were here. I walked out of the hotel seeing Kalisto smiling over at me. He took my bag from me and placed it in his car as we both got in. "I don't suppose you want to talk to me about it at all?" I smiled over at him.

"There isn't much to say, Dolph clearly didn't love me as much as he claimed too." He smiled back at me sympathetically but I knew as much as it hurt the best thing to do was to keep smiling.

"I'm really sorry to hear that Gabby, but know that I'm gonna be here with you every step over the next few weeks making you feel better." I completely appreciated his friendship at this time, knowing from the beginning that he was always going to be someone I could rely on.

The two of us made small talk the rest of the way to the arena. "Are you sure you'll be alright if you see him?" I nodded over at Kalisto.

"Honestly it's fine, I'm strong." I opened the door holding it for him. He handed me my bag as we split into our different gendered locker rooms. The whole car journey made me feel a lot better about things, distracted me from all the worries his cheating had left me with.

I walked out and headed down to catering spotting Kalisto at a table. "Hey darling," he smiled noticing me. I cringed, 'sweetie,' always being what Dolph called me. His smile was wider then it had been all day, when I looked down and realised I hadn't done my jacket up, so my skimpy ring gear was still on show.

"Oops," I giggled looking back at him. He winked at me from across the table, as I felt his leg brush next to mine. I sighed unsure as to what was happening.

"That was a great match tonight, your body looked amazing, Dolph missed out on a lot." I ran a hand through my hair as everything fell into place. Kalisto did not just consider me to be a friend, the look in his eye told me everything I needed to know. I wasn't in the best place right now, but the last thing I wanted to do was cut Kalisto off and hurt his feelings.

"Yeah, I guess." I responded awkwardly. He was such a nice person it made everything so difficult. His generosity, friendship, and warm heart made me feel so loved by him, but was it too soon to move on from Dolph?

Over the next few weeks I made it my mission to learn more about Kalisto, and I was so grateful I did. He was the sweetest person and a pure gentleman, something I had always been searching it. I learnt to move on from Dolph too, and as I saw more and more evidence of him and the girl on social media, I swayed more towards Kalisto. "Hey Gabby, can we talk?" I looked up from my phone, closing the browser, watching him sit next to me.

"Of course we can, what's up?" His eyes fell to the floor making me nervous. "Kalisto?"

"Okay I know you just had a break up, but please don't flip out." I nodded assuring him that whatever it was I would sit calmly and listen. "I wondered if you wanted to go out on a date sometime?" I secretly smiled to myself, watching his eyes eagerly look at me for a response. 7

"Yeah I'd really like that," I smiled, laughing as he took a sigh of relief. He reached forwards and took a hold of my hand.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that, but you're sure it is not too soon?" I chuckled at how much he cared.

"No, of course not, I need to move on, with you." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

"I best get planning them," he told me, unwrapping his arms around me, skipping down the corridor in happiness making me laugh once again. I knew deep down that a date with Kalisto would be perfect, not only just to move on, but also because I liked him, a lot more then I ever could have liked Dolph.

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