A Perfect Storm ~ Sami Zayn

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A small trickle of rainwater ran down my wrist, tickling the ends of my hair that sat on the material of my red winter jacket. "I thought the weather guy told us this was going to be cleared up by two." 

His voice was a little groggy, the cold weather didn't help, Christmas was supposed to be all about good cheer for all, but right now my festive spirit felt a little lost through the shivers running down my spine. 

"You can never predict the weather Sami, surely you know that." His hand loosely gripped mine in the hope of a last gasp of feeling between our skin. "It could be worse."

"I don't think this could get much worse Eliza, it's practically a monsoon." A little snigger escaped me, just a little bit of exaggeration. "Surely there must be something better to be doing, this is our day off after all."

"What do you suggest?" He stopped taking me by surprise as my heavy suede boots brushed along the concrete of the ground a couple more times. 

"How about just going for a coffee? Or have you got any more presents to buy? Your mum? Dad? Brother?" His eyes stared down at me, blinking a little more to try and drop the little rain marks from his lashes. 

"Babe, you know it's the third of December, all my presents are bought, wrapped, and signed with a big kiss on behalf of us both." His nervous chuckle shone through, letting go loosely of my hand. 

"Little Miss Organised," he groaned, staring off away from my ocean blue eyes into the distant through the leafless trees. "What about coffee then?"

"Well...I wouldn't turn down a festive beverage or two." The left-hand side of his mouth turned up, quivering ever so slightly from the dangerous drop in the temperature. 

"Thought you might say that." He spun on the heels of his slightly torn trainers from where he'd worn them too much on tour, walking down the cobbled pavement. "Are you coming?" He shouted back, his right arm extending for me to take hold of. 

"Alright, alright." I jogged forward, lacing my icy hands in with his own. The harsh bite of winter left little feeling to be desired through the joining of our regrettably bare hands. 

The roads were sparse due to the extensive puddles that sat on the roadside surface, the pavements were made up of a few dedicated dog walkers, covered head to toe in clothing in a final attempt to save themselves for the downpouring that came with December. 

"I was thinking about where we should spend Christmas this year, with you being on the main roster now too E, I think it's best if we spend Christmas together." I hated the subject. I'd avoided it for what felt like forever. 

"Where do you want to go?" I asked, quickly pushing the ball into his court to take the male role and make the decision. 

"Of course, I'd love to go back to Canada, mum and dad are missing me like crazy." I forced a smile feeling his eyes burn down at the two plaits that ran down the back of my head. 

"Great," I muttered, stopping as we walked out onto the main road that the coffee shop his eyes had gazed upon stood, "how did I know you were going to say that."

"I'm sure I know what you're going to say to me now too," he added, dragging me across the road noticing a break within the traffic. "You want to be with your family."

"Isn't that obvious?" He nodded, pressing on the steamed door to reveal the warm auburn inside of the shop. His taller frame stood far over my smaller five foot one, allowing me to swing under his heavily clothed arm, taking in my first breath of warm, heated air. 

I couldn't breathe in fast enough, engulfing my body with the warm blanket of gas the café had opened to me. The menu sat on the wall at the back of the bar type unit, the Christmassy red and green decoration attracting me, tempting me. 

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