Chapter 3-The Big Trip

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I am heading for Minneapolis, MN as soon as I can clear my schedule and make arrangements to get out of here. I'm leaving in two days and I am prepared to stay for a week. Now, I know how that goes so I figured in a couple extra days just in case. I told Prince to not bother to give me 1st class tickets because all the planes on these short hops are just little puddle jumpers are not worth it and it is just a waste of money. I said you can spend the money on me for something I really need like a massage after all the hours of work I'm going to do for you. Or better yet, a spa day! Now that sounds incredibly delicious now doesn't it? I have not had that treat since my husband died so that would be a welcomed bonus for me. I just love those spa treatments and can get lost in the intoxicating therapy for hours. A massage, a facial, a body scrub, a manicure, a pedicure, a steam. Wow! I could just cream my self thinking of that. So we will see if it happens.

I'm on my way! I go to the airport, pick up the tickets and get ready for my flight. I check my cell in the flight waiting area and there's a text from, you guessed it, Prince. He told me to have a nice flight and Kirk will be there waiting for me at the airport. Well now, Kirk an I do not get along real well. It stems way back to when I did an article on his Game Boyz as it was not as gleaming as he had hoped for. I would have thought he'd bury the hatchet by now. He is just short with me when I've had any contact with him. Not hot or cold, just as a matter of  fact. I texted him back and said "get yo ass outta there and pick me up yourself, dammit!" Believe it or not, he said 'OK, if I have to'. He said to look for the Baby Blue Beamer. Damn! I was shocked! He does like it when I talk ghetto to him because he not expecting it and never from a girl. Not to mention, none of his girls around him talk like that to him as if they are afraid to or something. He just loves it when I call him out on anything. He also likes it too when I do stand my ground with him. I am just as stubborn as he is. He always sends one of "his people" to do mundane things like this.I texted back to him, C-O-O-L.

Prince Point of View

Well, I finally got GiGi to come see me. I am so excited to see her again after all these years. She has truly been my one and only friend that through thick and thin I could count on. Not to mention I always did think she was kinda HOT! You know I like my eye candy. Well, maybe not like she was back in the day but she definitely has the mind set. She is like me, she has always been comfortable with her looks and everything. But look at me, I'm not exactly what I was back then either. I hope we can get this project done in a short time frame and all goes well. I pray this does not turn into a disaster. She is a strong willed woman and tells me how it is. She does have the skills to put together what I have planned and I really need her more now than ever. She will be the first to say, "I am a Jack of all trades and a master of none".On the other hand, I am the master of the trade so between she and I, we can create what I'm hoping to do this next week. God, you have been playing this one over and over in my head. Lets hope she will do what I need her to do for me at this crossroad in my life. In a few hours she will be here and light up this dull and dingy place. She always could before, I just hope she still has it in her with all that has happened to her in life. She was always a ray of sunshine in the darkest of times. I have told the staff to be very nice to her no matter what. She does have a temper and it is like a bomb when it goes off. After all, she is Irish/Italian so, go figure. She is a fireball and always tells the truth. So let me see, her room is ready, check. I have an open office ready, check. I told the chef to have plenty of peanut butter and Kit-Kats on hand as those are favorite snacks. I also told them to bring in shrimp by the ton. That is her absolute favorite food, so we are going to have shrimp 50ways this week! Well, since I am being dispatched to the airport, I'd better pick up some coffee and maybe some flowers for her. Wait a min, scratch the flowers. I know, I'll pick up some chocolate croissants from the coffee shoppe and that'll work. This is best I pick her up. I am beside myself going to pick her up. I can hardly wait. I feel like a giddy kid in high school. I'd better leave now and be early, she'll get PO'd if I'm late. She hates it when people are late and makes her wait. I have to prove to her that I've changed like I've been telling her on our calls. Dear Lord, help me do this right. I need her more than ever. She has been 4Ever In My Life.  

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