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July 2-Aftershock

I wake up and he's still with me. Holding me tight against his soft skin. He is awake. I love this time of day. Feeling him against me and his love. I get lost in my thoughts. I still have some questions about the impending surgery. Hopefully, I can talk to Dr. Jones and get some answers. I am terrified about this surgery. For some reason, being in a foreign country and the possibility of a language barrier, I just don't feel good about it. What I know is, some of the best cosmetic and reconstruction surgeons in the world are there. I will have to get more information from Dr. Jones. That should calm the remaining fears I have. The other thing, how is he going to handle no sex for 6-8 weeks? The last time, 4 weeks was more than either of us could take. We will have to weather the storm. He is moving. I feel his hand stroking on my back massaging me. I sigh softly and "Mmmm". He says, "Good Morning, Baby." I look up at him, "Good Morning, Sweetheart." He continues to rub my back.It feels so good. He says, "Do you feel any better today?" I crawl up to him and say, "I think so. I still have a lot of questions looming, but it will be better today than yesterday. I'mover the initial shock of it." He says, "Like what?" I say, "I would like to know exactly what they are doing that takes up that much surgery time? Also, why is it going to take 6-8 weeks recovery time? Things like that." Thinking about it and then he says, "We will find out. Are you OK otherwise?" I told him, "I'm worried about the language barrier. Do they communicate well with English?"He said, "Yes, absolutely! Dr Jones told me that the do a lot of athletes to repair torn muscles/tendons from competition injuries. Baby, this is going to be just fine. Don't worry." I laugh and say, "Please! You tell me everything is just fine when we get about 5 weeks into it. OK?" He laughs and says, "My Baby's back, there's the sense of humor I love so much. I can handle it, I promise." I say snorting (humph) "Really? I saw how the last one went. You think this is going to be any different?" He looks at me fore-lorned and says, "You don't trust me?" I laughed and said, "Oh, I trust you. It's me I don't trust. That can be a problem." We just erupted in laughter. He pulls me in close and tells me, "Baby, is that all you are worried about?" Tearfully, I said, "I'm still really,really scared." I am laying on my back gazing up at the ceiling. He rolls over and hovers above me looking down at me. He says, "Baby, what are you so scared of?" I felt the wet hot tears fill up my eyes, my throat closed tight, my voice quivered in answer, "All seems good right now, but 6-8 weeks is a long time and a lot of things can change during that time. I'm scared you will be different towards me when it's over." Each word pitched higher than the last in an effort to squeak out the words that were bottled up inside me. Finally the tears spilt over and cascaded down my face. He pulled me close, running his hand up and down my curves. He tried to console me saying, "Baby, I'm not going anywhere. I love you and that's not going to change. I don't understand. Why do you think I will be different towards you?" I got the courage and my composure back and said, " I think you will be afraid of hurting me again and you won't treat me the same as you do now. Waiting 6-8 weeks you won't love me the ways you have. I just think everything will change." He holds me tighter and shakes his head in dispute saying, "No, no, no. I Love you and only you. My feelings and love for you are not going to change. It will be hard, I agree, but that will only make us stronger. It won't divide us, I promise. What do I have to do to prove it to you?" Tearfully I said, "I don't know. I will just pray and put my trust God. I believe you. I guess I am just having some doubts." His head sank into the curve of my neck. He whispered softly, "I love you. Trust and pray God keeps us safe." He softly kisses my neck and trails a kiss over to my lips that rekindled my passion. Heat arched straight thru me to my core. My body seemed to melt against his and ached for his touch. He held me cupped in his arms, kissing my neck and collarbone. Whispering in my ear, "I love you more than anything." His hand slides down to my hip as he caresses me. I open my legs to invite him in. My core is hot, dripping with juices and he is not reacting to my invite. I reach for his hardness and try to coax him to my center. Reluctantly, he moves in and enters slowly. My walls are throbbing and grasping tightly wanting more. With every breath, I moaned in need. Begging softly I ask for more.  He thrusts deep into my core and I scream his name. I feel all the tension of anticipation. He is stroking me faster and faster. I feel ready and then, Sing Baby Sing, my eyes rolled back in my head and we have liftoff...out of there. My body is shaking and quivering. He is in his own rapture. We slowly come back to reality. He holds me and I feel his love envelop me. My need for him to love me was satisfied. I drift off into a sex induced endorphin nap. When I awake, he is gone. I get up and he left me a note on the dressing table. I open it and it says, 

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