Chapter 6-Rest of the Day

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It is Sunday and we have ended discussion on what I came here to do. I said, 'what are we going to do for the rest of the day?'  He said, 'anything you want to do, the day is yours.' I had to ask, 'what happened to you going to the Kingdom Hall today?' He said 'that's another subject for another time. Let's not get into that today, OK?'C-O-O-L,' I said. 'I am good with that. I just do not want to be accused of you shirking your duty.' He said, 'it has been long over and I only go occasionally now. Kind of like a recharge if I need it.' I said, yeah, I do the same at home. He says, 'so what do you want to do?' I thought a min and said, 'I know, take me a ride in the Prowler?' He said that is a great idea. The weather was great, cold but no snow so we can tool around and see some sights. He said 'there are some things I want to show you.' I asked, 'does it include walking around in the cold?'   'Yes, so put on some warm clothes.'  I was off to my room to change into a more suitable outfit. Good thing I brought it as I thought I may need it if it cold in the Park. He said 'meet me downstairs in 10.'  So I scurried off to change and bundle up for the ride. I was so excited to finally take a ride in that divine car. Maybe he'll let me drive? Deep down, he knows I'm a classic/sports car junkie. Humm, we will see about that. He is being so agreeable anything can happen I guess. I came downstairs and he was bouncing around waiting for me. He grabbed my arm and said, 'come on let's go.' Kirk brought the car up from the garage and it was sitting out there just idling. I said 'I hope it is warmed up, it is just freezing out here.' Then there those butterflies went off again in my stomach. I sure hope I'm not getting sick. However, the sight of the Prowler and hearing her purr made it go away. I could hardly contain myself. I finally get to ride in that car. He looked all decked out and I said, 'are we going somewhere special?' He said you look fine, don't worry how you look. I had on a pair of wool pants, a bulky sweater with a cowl neck and my wool coat. He was decked out in a pair of faux leather pants, turtleneck sweater, heels, and a faux leather coat. Man did he looked fine. I have a Pashmina scarf on my head to keep me warm and he held the door open for me to get in and he quickly rounded the car and hopped in the drivers seat. He revved the engine and my heart just about skipped a beat. That was a sweet sound. I asked, 'where we going?' He said, 'I'll show you.' We drove for about 15 minuets and he pulled up to a piece of vacant land. I looked over to him, and said, 'what's this?' He said he's thinking of building a house here. 'Come on get out', he said. 'Take a look around.' There was a skiff of snow on the ground but not bad so we walked out to a point. Oh my gosh, what a beautiful view of Minneapolis. It took my breath away that and along with the cold air. I covered my face more with my scarf and just took it all in. He said, 'what do you think?' At this point, I was breathless. I told him, 'you will have the most beautiful view in all of Minneapolis.' Then he proceeded to show me where the house would be and the back of the house with the view and all the details he'd thought of for the house. He said 'I'll show me the plans when we got back home.' I told him it sounds exciting but we have to get back in the car as I was freezing to death. We slowly walked back to the car, hand in hand. Then those damn butterflies stirred up again. I said 'I needed a cup of coffee to warm me up.' He said, 'I know just the place to take you.' We head out and go to a little coffee shop and went in. I said, 'are you afraid someone will recognize you?' He said, 'no they leave me alone around here.' So we go to the counter and order our drinks and he looks at me and says, 'something sweet for my love?' I shot him that side eye and he quickly said to the clerk 'two killer brownies.' Then he gives her $100 bill and walks away. No wonder they leave him alone with a tip like that! Besides, he doesn't have any pockets in his clothes so I have no idea where that c-note came from. We sat down and looked out over the quaint town square of Chanhassen.  It had been years since I'd been there and it had really grown up. But it still had the small town charm. I sipped my coffee and looked at him. He was like a kid in a candy shoppe smiling from ear to ear. I asked, so what's this thing calling me "love"? He sheepishly said 'sorry I got carried away. I am just so happy right now, it just slipped out. Forgive me?' he said. I said 'of course. I do love you so something like that is nothing to be worried about.' I was just curious as to why you were using those terms of endearment with me.  He just batted those eyes with those long lashes at me. I just laughed and said, 'stop it, I'm the one that's supposed to do that to you, not the other way around. You are such a girlfriend.' He reached over the table and picked up my hand and said, 'I would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable' and then he said it, 'I love you too.'  I was so gobsmacked at that point. I just gazed back at him. Oh God, now I know what those butterflies are.  Please make it stop. I can't do this. It has been an eternity since I've had those feelings, I had forgotten what they felt like. This will never work and I can't afford to be hurt again. I had resigned myself that when my hubby died, I would be single the rest of my life. No! Not now and not with him, please NO! I know too much of his past for this to workout in the long run. Suddenly a tear dropped from my eyes and I hoped he did not see it. He said, Gigi, did I hurt you? I quickly tried to regain my composure and blow it off that my contacts got dried out from all the cold. I quickly excused myself to the ladies room to fix myself up. As soon as I hit the door the tears flooded down. I went into a stall and had it out. I got my composure back, fixed my face and headed back to the table. He said, are you alright? I said C-O-O-L. I quickly said 'what's next on this trip?' He said that he wanted go to Electric Fetus to pick up a couple CD's he had been wanting. I said 'let's roll'. They will be closing soon so we'd better get there quick. He said 'that's perfect, just at closing time they will close the store for us and we will have it all to ourselves'. We loaded back up in the car and headed uptown. He slammed a CD in the deck and wanted me to hear this new artist. I was not feeling it but acted like I did because I did not want him to stop it and talk about what happened in the coffee shoppe.


OK,so she's going to consider helping me with my memoirs and the book I have no idea what it's going to be about. But, I will figure something busy for her to do. Oh crap, she brought up the Kingdom Hall. Now, I know, she will not let it drop so we will have to revisit it before she leaves. That's OK, I have some time to get into that. I was so glad she picked a ride because if I was there alone with her and nothing to do, well, my heart feels what my heart feels.  I wonder if she really liked the land and the views I showed her?  She seemed to really love it. Too bad it was so cold. We will see it at another time when the weather is better. Dammit, what happened at the coffee shoppe? Those words just rolled out of my stupid mouth without thinking. I don't want to blow it. Dear God, help me, please help me with this. I do not want to scare her away from me, not now, not ever. I really need her in more ways than one right now. I know I asked you to send me an angel but really? Her? I have always thought more of her as a sister than anything else. But damn is she HOT! I know, I know, I could have any young thing in the world that I wanted but that has proved not to work out in my best interest, so I need to listen to you for a change. I hope this is the one you are speaking to me about, is it? I am listening, I truly am. I know those sparks are real and I have NEVER felt this way about anyone before so I'm listening to you, really listening now, you have my attention.  Looking at it Lord, she really does love me for me. She has always been there when I needed her the most and has never betrayed my trust and has been a loyal friend for many years. I could always count on her when so many others abandoned me. I do not want to fall into my past and blow this one. Help me to keep a cool head and deal with it appropriately. We are now at Electric Fetus, the timing was perfect.Time alone with her and no one there to interfere with us. I am so excited about these new artists. I hope she likes them too. She is really, the funkiest white woman I know or I should say the funkiest woman I know, bar none. We milled around and I found just what I was looking for. I asked her what she desired and she shook her head and said nothing. I said come on mama pick out something. Crap, there it goes again. A term of endearment. She did not take anything out of that one so we are good. She insisted there was nothing she needed.So I checked out. She really is a simple girl. I need to get her something special to show my appreciation for her friendship. On the ride home, she fell asleep in the car. It has been a really long day for her since she had to catch a flight at O'dark thirty and we have been on the go non stop. Look at her God, she is so beautiful sleeping over there. We are home, and I think how should I wake her?I know when I touch her those sparks are going to ignite again. So I said softly, 'Gigi, we are home'. She was out like a light. So I deepened my voice and said 'GIGI!' She came alive. She said, 'are we back home?' I said 'yes'. She leaned over and kissed me on my cheek.I flew out of the car because I knew if I stayed it would be all  over. I got her out and into Paisley. I said, 'are you hungry, she said just a little'. Perfect! I have just the thing for us. So we headed over to the Little Kitchen and everything was laid out as I instructed. Pretty table waiting for us with lit candles. I went to the refrigerator and took out two specially made spinach salads with shrimp. Her eyes lit up and she said another one of my favorites. You are spoiling me. I said well we have to eat now don't we? I carefully sat the salads down and went to get the special dressing and some drinks for us. She said she needed another coffee. So I popped a K-cup into the krueg and got her a cup. I loaded it down with all the cream and sugar. I got myself a juice. It was kind of quiet while we ate dinner. I finally broke the ice and said will you watch a movie with me? She nodded yes. I asked her what she wanted to watch and she said you pick, I don't remember them anyway with a laugh. Gigi is really funny, she can watch a movie or TV show and then never remember it again. No recall at at all. But in other stuff, her mind is like a vault. She never forgets anything else. Then she said, pick something funny, we need a good laugh. We headed upstairs to the apartment and she said she needed to change into something lighter and more comfortable. I said great! That will give me enough time to find a movie for us to watch. Oh dear God, please don't let her put on any thing suggestive because the way I feel I cannot be responsible for my actions. Great, she came in wearing some sweatpants and a lounging top. Not too suggestive. I told her the movie I picked and she said great, let's watch. I had a big bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and we were ready to start the movie.  

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